#winter quotes

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8 JAN 2018 AT 20:49

On cold nights like these, I miss you even more.

You are not here to help me finish that big steaming bowl of chicken soup.

You are not here for me to put my cold hand inside the big pocket of your overcoat.

You are not here to wrap your arms around me while I rubbed the tip of my cold nose on your neck.

You are not here to get annoyed at how I always sleep with my feet outside the blanket however cold it got.

You are not here and so on cold nights like these I miss you even more.


18 OCT 2021 AT 22:17

To say that
I wasn't aware,
won't be fair.
Coz from the very beginning,
I knew
that happy days with you
will only be a few.
But I wanted them.
No, I...I needed them
Coz they brought me to you.
They gave me the memories
that will help me live.
On a cold winter night,
they'll give me the strength
to forgive.


11 NOV 2020 AT 19:41

When we fall in love, everything becomes invisible.
Things which were clear before,
become absolutely blurred.
We end up stumbling around,
unable to see good or bad,
Often falling into traps and pits.
That's what happens when you fall in love.

When you live in Delhi in winters,
शायद प्यार भी एक दिल्ली का शहर है...


24 DEC 2021 AT 14:32



8 NOV 2020 AT 12:59

It's your hug
Which is like soothing drug!!!!
Makes me pleasant
Heals up all my wounds present....
All my anger vanishes
When you cuddle me in your arms ....
Feelin like , a winter born fire warm!!!!


26 NOV 2021 AT 23:26

Feel the wind,
let it all go.
With a new day,
get ready to dance
in the snow.


8 JAN 2019 AT 17:27

ये जो शोखियां पुर-ज़ोर चलीं आईं हैं
ख़ामोशियां बनके एक शोर चलीं आईं हैं
ढूंढ़ते-ढूंढ़ते तेरी पुरअसरार ज़ुल्फों को
"दिल्ली" की सर्दियां "बंगलौर" चलीं आईं हैं


28 OCT 2017 AT 0:28

इन ठंड हवाओं के बीच
रजाईयां तो निकाल ली हैं,
सोतेे मगर अब भी,
गीले खतों के बीच हैं ||


5 DEC 2019 AT 9:59

What if?
Some things come to you intentionally
So that you could not help yourself
for skippin'


25 NOV 2019 AT 0:33

खामखां पहनने चला था मोहब्बत का नया sweater,
समझ की तुरपाई और रिश्तों में गर्माहट परखा ही नहीं ।
