Sisira Sivaraj   (©Sisirasivaraj)
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Joined 14 January 2018

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Joined 14 January 2018
1 JUL AT 8:09

“You are the light
that raised me & still does;
Making me learn to sway
the storm!”


29 JUN AT 9:25

Dear love,
Don’t you dare to forget
how I held you close to my chest
when the rain poured harder on us
as it was my first time to
choose someone over me
with teary eyes full of
mixed emotions!
Don’t you dare to forget me
Bcoz I have my whole world in you.
Don't you dare to forget
how we decided to see this world
together the time you
decided to choose me
as your world just by coming nearer;
Making eye contact &
Wagging tail right away!


29 JUN AT 0:16

I weaved infinite stories
by looking deeper
into your eyes,
Never got to sense when your
breath turned into my
favorite music!


28 JUN AT 23:23

"Stay there for me.
Blend with me
For the reason that I am
the dark sky
And you are the moon I
placed in the deepest
corner of my heart!”


28 JUN AT 22:26

Frozen within,
The world of words tearing apart.
Have I turned all cold suddenly
or the world around me turned
cold against me?
Feeling the burn of pages
that I wrote with all my heart!

These bright walls have turned like
a dark hole with a louder voice;
Little did I know that my world
was so shallow to be viewed
like a rainbow!


24 JUN AT 1:12

Being a puppet
for the poetries to
move me,
Letting them cut the
sleep off my eyes
with the words that
Slashed my heart
to bleed into poetries!


19 JUN AT 10:44

It's hard to find a muse
when nothing is musing
the way your heart
wishes to get healed.

Let the time call for the
right picks to put
everything in the string!


20 MAY AT 8:35

Take me to the depths
once again;
For I am the lost wave
Dwelling fiercely in the
ocean of infinity.

Once again, I will let you
brim the lid of my mind;
For you make my heart flutter!


17 MAY AT 1:36

Picking you from peck
of words that are spreading
roots deep within my mind.
Wishing to melt the summer
sticking to my deeper skin;
But, I never realized when
It ignited a fire in my core!
Burning up like a candle
to witness the page getting
inked by desperate emotions
that are still looking up
for the light to fall upon
the cores.


22 APR AT 14:22

Dear words,
The comfort I feel while wrapping you
in my arms is the same as the way
you feel while hugging a tree!
I feel the dew drops washing
my heart in the same way
they wash the leaves
when it rains.


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