Focus on 'Verbs',
'Adjectives' will Follow.-
● Get Up ●
When You Don't Feel Like
Getting Up For The Day Ahead
Just Remember,
Staying in Bed
Will Bring Another Night.-
कैसे छुपाओगे...
उसकी पहचान...
वो तो किरण है...
रोशनी की...
जो हर अँधेरे को...
चीर कर आएगी।-
कभी कभी ,कुछ बदलने से
बदल जाता है बहुत कुछ ।
तब थोड़ा संभलने से
संभल जाता है बहुत कुछ ।
आज अगर हार ही गए तो क्या हुआ,याद रखो
गमों का गर्दिश भी सिखलाता है बहुत कुछ ।।
Dear Girls,,,,
If your #BF asks for physical relationship saying that there is no wrong on it as they love each other. Or if they blackmail emotionally to be physical with them in the name of love. Just kick them out of life on their 1st demand only. Remember many guys goes to brothels but it doesn't mean they love those ladies in brothel they just want physical satisfaction. For those type of guys only body of girls matters & not love. Once they are bored of u, he'll definitely go for other.
Don't get emotional & agree for physical. No true love demands physical relationship as proof of love.
Love means caring, protecting, understanding & trusting.
Note➡️All boys/males are not equal Or All aren't bad,,,,,,This post is those who do this such type.-
चलो एक नया जहानं बनाते है,
बेटियो को खोया सम्मान दिलाते है।
मिटा कर उनके डर को,
एक खुशनुमा संसार सजाते है।।
(Respect her Fundamental Rights)