Amol Gade  
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Joined 9 January 2018

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Joined 9 January 2018
29 JUL 2020 AT 11:44

Introduce me
to your body
while our souls
stands witness.


12 FEB 2020 AT 9:58

We live in a world where sympathy is preferred over help in next plan of action.


9 JAN 2020 AT 9:00

Insensitiveness is less dangerous than situational sensitiveness.


24 OCT 2019 AT 21:28

Smartphone :

Device that's getting smarter
making user dumb day by day.


18 SEP 2019 AT 16:01

If you wish,
I'll be your desire.
If you desire,
I'll be your hunger.


15 SEP 2019 AT 8:07

"I don't feel very comfortable."

"Why? what happened?"

"I don't know. Let's not do it right now."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. so, let's talk about your childhood
memories. Tell me something funny about it."


1 AUG 2019 AT 8:44

I love Good-day.
But, She loves Oreo.
Apparently, I also started loving Oreo.
Bcoz, Oreo started making our day better.


21 JUL 2019 AT 9:32

ये अशी प्रिये तू जवळी गं माझ्या....
वाहतो दशदिशांना हा धुंद वारा
मनाच्या त्या अधीर भावना
संगे पावसाच्या रोमांचकारी धारा
तुझा स्पर्श मुका भाळवी मनाला
साथ तुझी अधुऱ्या स्वप्नांना क्षणाक्षणांना
आधार घेतो मी रुक्ष तरुंचा
साद घालतो नद्या-दऱ्या पर्वतांना
चित्कार हा अवघा आसमंत गाजविणारा
मन माझे सुन्न विषण्ण करणारा
अंगिकारच जणू दुःख-विरहांचा
आर्जव माझा कळकळीचा
या नर्कयातना मज आता सहवेना
सहवास तुझा हवाहवासा
निद्रिस्त कल्पनांना जाणिवेचा
ये अशी प्रिये तू जवळी गं माझ्या....

- अमोल गडे.


22 MAY 2019 AT 8:07

When things go wrong,
Don't blame yourself
for decisions you made.
Blame yourself for
not taking responsibility
of their consequences.


26 FEB 2019 AT 19:11

My three word definition of life :
Surgical-strike by/on you.


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