#jingoism quotes

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21 FEB 2019 AT 0:22

Before a war,
blood spills from words.
After the war,
words spill from blood,
'No more! No more!'

But the deaf hear them as
'Once more! Once more!'


17 JUN 2019 AT 13:05

How do many Indian cricket fans glorify India?

Simple. By trolling neighbouring country's players.



5 AUG 2019 AT 18:17

It's not the land, but the people that matters..!!


16 DEC 2019 AT 23:33

सरकार तुम...अवाम हम!


26 JAN 2019 AT 18:17


Deep Saffron
Deeper Saffron

Dark Green
Darker Green

Dove White
Blood Red


16 DEC 2019 AT 12:55

हाकिम की जी हजूरी में,
हाथ जोड़े
सब खड़े हैं मजबूरी में।
(Read in Caption)


14 FEB 2020 AT 0:15

मैं नागरिक हूँ...सरकार नहीं
तुम्हारी पसन्द से हमें सरोकार नहीं!


26 JAN 2020 AT 15:22

There comes a democracy,
reigns over theocracy,
revoked aristocracy,
Supported by a bureaucracy!!


29 OCT 2019 AT 0:09

कब तक आंखे बंद रखोगे ?
कब तक नफरत फैलाओगे ?
कब तक बने रहोगे गुलाम ?
कब तक खुद से नजरें चुराओगे ?


18 JUL 2017 AT 18:16

Don't inject Jingoism into ur blood...

It not only harm your country, it may lead to World War - III...🤘🙏

Jingoism vs Patriotism....

Be Bold & Be Broad...✌️🇮🇳
