Siddhu Tekur  
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M.A in English @ Central University of punjab. English Teacher. Creative Writer obvsly.
Joined 17 October 2017

M.A in English @ Central University of punjab. English Teacher. Creative Writer obvsly.
Joined 17 October 2017
28 MAY 2022 AT 19:17

After much anticipation,
Like that of Chandraayan -2
Their connections were lost, forever.


16 MAY 2022 AT 6:04

Under a Railway Shelter

A misty morning;
Unusual for this month
With obscure thoughts.

Waiting for the MEMU,
On a stone bench
With poetic lines in hand.

A droplet splashed
On Selma Lagerlof
The lines doubly magnified.

In case of a rain droplet
In case of a filthy droplet.


26 MAY 2021 AT 17:16

Thesis in the Time of Corona

Burning-pyres illuminate India
Turning- pages insinuate in academia

Failing-thyrsis knocks the door
Faltering-kinesis begins to soar

Thesis is our nemesis
Where is our catharsis?


23 MAY 2021 AT 8:24

In the Last Station

The aberration of these faces with beard

Petals on decayed, wet banks of rivers.


26 AUG 2020 AT 22:00

A parent would feel ashamed of the child for not being good to others.
That shame comes out of real care for the child.

Similarly, if a person is ashamed of one's country, it's out of real care for the society and it's welfare.

Loving the child despite being mischievous is to encourage it to be bad.


10 AUG 2020 AT 8:30

In the name of tradition and culture you don't have to sustain certain ancestral crap.


8 AUG 2020 AT 19:23

What would Dante the character ask Virgil when he looks at the inscription on the Gate of Hell?

Infer no?


7 AUG 2020 AT 20:47


I look at the sky,
A motif in Literature.

I wonder what made
Us so divisive
Under the common roof.

I realise it's not
The fault in our stars
But in our thinking,
And in our practice.

The fault in my community
And with my ancestors.

We closed the door
They found it closed against them.


28 MAY 2020 AT 14:02

Mayday, 8303

"Maintain 2000"
"Trying to maintain 2000"

The lives went around
Trying to land
Engines lost
And so were the lives.

The black smoke
And their black ash
Should bring tears
Tearing down the cheeks.

A small sect, did laugh
At the fb posts
They made it as an enemy nation
In our imagination.

Humans died there
Humanity died here.


26 MAY 2020 AT 22:33

The Lady with her Baby

Same apartment,
Strangers for a long time,
Never met before,
Not even did their eyes meet.

Happened once, when
She came with her baby.
He met in her aspect and her eyes
Thus mellowed on that night.

He wrote a verse titled, 'Longing':
"I'm willing to tell you,
I'm wanting to tell you,
I'm waiting to tell you,
But oh!
For the knot has caused an impasse!"

A little girl came in leaping,
She looks a lot like her.
Someday someone will write for her too:
"My love, I'm willing to tell you,
I'm wanting to tell you,
I'm waiting to tell you,
Let's tie the knot
And untangle that knot."

She departed thus
With her little children
Physical distancing estranged them,
Familiar strangers they became
In the same apartment.


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