#freewriting quotes

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9 APR 2020 AT 23:07


15 DEC 2018 AT 1:40

Paid Content


18 OCT 2017 AT 21:43

Diwali lights
On every house.
One remained
People thought it was
Little did they know
Death already came there
as a guest.


9 DEC 2018 AT 21:37

I look at the compose screen of Your quote..
And the emotions get the power of words.
Heart is at peace.
Soothing touch of words do wonders.
Time just passes and
Words keep on flowing as they get absorbed in the musings..satisfying the thirst of my passion.


31 JAN 2017 AT 8:30

ठंड बढ़ गयी है या तुम शहर से बाहर हो?


31 JAN 2017 AT 0:10

You came,
to teach me how to learn.
You went,
to teach me how to unlearn.


11 SEP 2018 AT 22:09

She used to scare me. She used to compare me with what scared me more.


18 OCT 2017 AT 20:00

काश! तब हाथ थामे रहने की आदत न होती,
तो आज साथ छूटने का भी डर न होता।
काश! तब वक्त की आँधी ने.....
अरमानों के दीए न बुझाए होते,
तो आज हमारे आँगन मे भी रौशनी होती।


3 JAN 2019 AT 19:54

Paid Content


30 JAN 2017 AT 21:30

मैं शब्द ढूंढता रहा और वो ग़ज़ल लिख गयी
