#companion quotes

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29 APR 2017 AT 19:03

There are friends & there are friends,
Some see you as means to ends,
Some are nice & do mean well,
Some will make you go through hell.

Now, I don't know which kind you are,
But I'll tell you what I've learned so far:
Stick with me through good & bad
And I will do the same, comrade.


9 MAY 2020 AT 14:38

I miss the company of my loved ones.
Who now have become unacquainted .
Love & respect brought us together.
Silence & ego are now drifting us far-off.


19 JUL 2017 AT 11:53

Of all the travel-companions that I've ever
had, the best one has always been a book.


27 NOV 2021 AT 23:00

•la•           •la•                                         
•cute •••••• cat•                                         
•very small cute•                                        
•positively sharp•                                         
  •rather naughty•                                          
•extremely cute•                                  
  •piercing hands run, mutely•                              
  •keen maulers running, mutely•                         
  •its abrupt mitts running, mutely•                      
   •cutting hands scampering, mutely•                     
      •its acerb hands working, mutely•                     
      •its sudden paws running, mutely•                     
      •its unpleasant mitts run, mutely•                    
      •its edged hands fleeing, mutely•                    
    •cutting paws scamper, mutely•     
•it makes me think of very, very extraordinary things•
     •cute cat  ever so intelligent maulers fleeing, mutely•
       •cute• •naughty•


15 APR 2020 AT 13:24

Make you as your companion and there will be constant happiness.


1 FEB 2021 AT 9:42

रूक जाऊं कहीं सफ़र में , पर रहनुमा-ए-ज़िंदगी बेधड़क चलती जाएं ।
ज़िंदगी वक्त-ए-सौदे की मोहताज़ ही ठहरी , तो क्यूं न साथ निभाया जाएं।


17 APR 2018 AT 19:38

"Reach home safely"- says a friend
"Call me when you reach home" says
your beloved
(Over a call)
"Keep talking to me till you reach home" Mumma's love is indeed irreplaceable❤


30 SEP 2020 AT 11:21

Our pets are always our companion. ❤


21 JUL 2020 AT 1:12

दरारों से झाॅंकती तन्हाइयाॅं दिखी मुझे,
कि इनको भी अब ये खामोशियाॅं चुभने लगी हो!
इनका यूं दुनिया से छुपकर बंद रहना इन्हें कुछ रास ना आ रहा हो!
ये भी कुछ सरोकार रखना चाहती हो कुछ अपने कुछ परायों से!
कि उबाऊ सी लगने लगी है इन्हें भी यूॅं जीना!
बसर इनकी कुछ आकांक्षाए भी दबी पड़ी हो किसी बरसों पुराने थकान तले!
कि एक छोर में इस जहां से परे रहते हुए!
हाॅं शिकायतें करती है ये मुझसे मेरे एकांत में रहने का!
मानो ये भी किसी खास के आने की प्रतिक्षा कर रही हो!
वो खास जो इनकी हर्फ़-दर-हर्फ़ को समझे!
जो इन बंद अंधेर कमरे में एक जुगुनू की झिलमिल रोशनी का आगमन करें!
जो इनके उदासीन जीवन में इन्द्रधनुषी रंगों को बिखेर दें!
हाॅं ये तन्हाइयाॅं अब कतराती है यूॅं तन्हा रहने से,
कि मानो ये मुझसे कोई आस लिए बैठी हो किसी खास की!!


25 MAY 2019 AT 10:47

You in me is the only companion
when I search me in myself.
