#web quotes

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3 AUG 2020 AT 20:46

That he build..
To get rid of me..
Was so intricately build..
And I got so entangled into it..
That from a blood & flesh human
I turned into a skeleton..
But still now..
I haven't been able to disentangle
myself from it...


29 MAR 2018 AT 7:41

WEB becomes a Web when Necessity is replaced by Habit and Habit is replaced by Addiction.


2 JAN 2018 AT 14:02

An online dating
website is doing more
for our country than
the Prime Minister.


12 MAY 2017 AT 18:48

They lure you with big fat packages,
swanky offices, sprawling banquets,
making you believe that you've got
a safety net. You don't even know
when you get trapped,
the life in you nibbled,
sucked with a straw,
day after day.

It's only after years
you uncover that
the safety net is
a spider-web.


4 APR 2019 AT 20:10

Spiders must’ve studied computer science engineering.

They are awesome web developers.


28 MAR 2018 AT 21:51

The web of internet can
connect people living
in remote areas......
But the web of
emotions and love
can connect people
to the one sitting
beside them....


28 MAR 2018 AT 21:13

We all are captivated inside a huge web of technology no matter what the criteria is ,someday day we will strangulate ourself from the rope made from the same .


11 MAY 2017 AT 22:43

Cobweb of your memories
spinned around the corners of
my facebook wall

A little less I cared
to forget
A little more it dared
to obliterate!


15 MAR 2018 AT 17:36

I wish I could have become a rainbow,
Then I would have coloured you in my love forever.


29 MAR 2018 AT 13:29

The intoxicating aroma of
two cups of coffee
Became attestor of
an unusual love story.!!!!
