#latenightquotes quotes

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27 APR 2020 AT 0:24

closing your eyes in daylight
and assuming it's night forever.


27 APR 2020 AT 0:51

Scolding that little kid, and asking not to do something
Expecting you will be obeyed

Like focussing a moon and ignoring the stars in a startlit night sky
Believing the stars would shine a little less

Like uprooting a part of plant and
Assuming it to stay unhurt and growing unobstructed

Like getting a plastic surgery done
Thinking everything will remain the same as before


18 APR 2020 AT 4:44

शोकमग्न क्रोधबद्ध देखो तुम ज़रा तुम्हारा ही तो मै काल हूं,
हंस तेरी लिप्त मुझमें, रूप हरी का विकराल हूं,
फट पड़ा जिसपे तीसरा चक्षु, महाकाल का वो ललाट हूं,
नहीं रुका जो गंगा सा, प्रवाह वो विशाल हूं,
शोकमग्न क्रोधबद्ध देखो तुम ज़रा तुम्हारा ही तो मै काल हूं,

कर लिया जो तुमने करना था, अपार कष्ट सेह चुका,
शोक मेरा ढल रहा, अब क्रोध मेरा बढ़ चुका,
सृष्टि में जो थम गया, वो लम्हा मैं अब हाल हूं,
जो रह गया था मन में कहीं, चुभन सरीखा एक मलाल हूं,
शोकमग्न क्रोधबद्ध देखो तुम ज़रा तुम्हारा ही तो मै काल हूं,

दुखों की रैन अब ढल चुकी, सांस सृष्टि की थम चुकी,
वचनबद्ध काल सी, अपार शक्ति छा चुकी,
नैन रक्त, आलस्य नष्ट, जुनून से निहाल हूं,
समय के चक्र तोड़, विजयबद्ध चल पड़ा वो पार्थ हूं,
रोकोगे कैसे अब तुम मुझे, एक नहीं,
असंख्य कष्ट से तुम्हारा बुना ही तो मै जाल हूं,
शोकमग्न क्रोधबद्ध देखो तुम ज़रा तुम्हारा ही तो मै काल हूं।



28 MAR 2020 AT 0:40

I'd make art of a dying world
if it promised it wouldn't ask for lives.
Then I'd cartridge my pen
with the colour of agony;
but I'd know no one has to grieve.
I'd fight with the finest of words
until the hell broke loose,
and never I'd worry to reinstate the wreck.
But here we are,
lying on the line of an unknown;
And I promise
I won't give up on love even if it badgers;
As love is all that entwines our souls
and lets us believe on earthly hopes.


23 DEC 2019 AT 21:02

I spend my twilights in your memories,
The stars at night talks to me about your elegance,
My days are unlike the days we had before,
My nights are sleepless without your glance...

(see caption)


13 OCT 2020 AT 1:25

You pulled me out from the
sea of self doubt,
You brought back the confidence
that I lost,
And the thing is that you don't
even know it,
You are the embodiment of hope in me,
And I would be glad if I could
become the same for you,
But I hope that you won't ever need it.


19 JUL 2021 AT 1:30

The night often brings

The silence that flashes...
Those moments of happiness...

It brings those happy faces...
Which i often tried to impress...

It brings the unwanted tears ...
Which has often being suppressed...


25 MAR 2020 AT 2:59

I live in a large, wide world
Young, independent, free....
Then why did the lockdown,
Make no vital difference to me?

I paused. Bit by bit,
I took myself apart.
Found how safely,
I had imprisoned my heart.

A lack of chains, I found,
Freedom is not.
If I decide to never stray,
From the beaten path.

Independence, I learn,
Is not about surviving alone.
But being in a caged crowd,
Yet hearing your soul.

And the youth in my age,
Has no meaning;
If there is no morrow, to look forward to,
After a night of dreaming. (Contd...)


18 SEP 2019 AT 1:49

I find it hard to believe the good ones now.
It's impossible not to be paranoid
when everyone you thought would stay
left you with battle wounds and scars
to live on.

the heart is not to be passed on
from one careless palm to another
But then again,
how do you know?


13 OCT 2020 AT 0:03

"Freeing them to fly high
like a free bird made me realize
how much I caged myself."
