#dreamy quotes

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1 FEB 2021 AT 21:32

I waste time,but not mine!


24 FEB 2021 AT 20:24

"Satisfaction" when what i want
change into Now i have.


2 JUN 2017 AT 13:32

Silence fell.

He looked at her, eyes deep set, drowned

in doubt

in confusion

Mesmerised by its presence.

Finally, plucking courage, he licked his lips and said,

"Can I have the last piece of chicken?"


28 MAR 2020 AT 12:56

तुझसे कैसे मिलू , तू एक ख्वाब है...
तमन्नाओं की दुनिया जिसका ठिकाना,
तू वो नबाब है....


17 MAR 2019 AT 23:43

Yes, you,
It's only you.
For today tomorrow forever!


21 JUL 2020 AT 11:44

फूलों की ख़ुशबू ले जाती है मुझे उन बग़ीचों में जहां साथ मिलकर हमने बिताये थे कुछ पल,

बारिश की बूंदें याद दिलाती हैं उन पलों को जब साथ भीगे थे हम समंदर की लहरों में,

चिड़ियों की चहचहाहट कानों में पड़ते ही याद आते हैं वो तेरी मीठी आवाज़ के टूटे फूटे नग़मे,

हवा में उड़ते हुए मेरे बालों को आज भी जब तू सँवारता है,तो महसूस होता है,कुछ भी तो बदला नहीं इतने सालों में।

जो देखे थे साथ मिलकर हमने कुछ सपने
हाँ जी रहे हैं हम उन सपनों को एक साथ।।


24 OCT 2020 AT 11:56

I want to fill your mornings with hope
and light your days with sunshine
I wish to paint a rainbow in your sky
and make your solitude mine
You've burnt too many a dark night
writing stories in your dreamy eyes
I envy the moon with whom you
shared your secret space in the skies
For all the dreams you held inside
for all those words that kept you afloat
You shall rise again and the world
shall decrypt the poems your heart wrote


25 OCT 2020 AT 16:36

When the stars disappear and
moon reigns over the night sky
When the sun kisses the clouds
and rainbows drip window sills
I will be there, admiring you
while your eyes radiate their curiosity
their innocence, their power, all at once.
Will that day ever come?


5 MAY 2017 AT 6:47

The day is ending
Vibrant colors
Of the heavens
Lighting up the moana
Yet again the sun will set
And shall rise
To a dreamy dawn.
The Twilight phenomena
Shaking me out of my coma
Creating once again
God's own canvas

Pic credit @manashazarika


22 SEP 2019 AT 1:40

Awaken, Gloomy ,Dreamy, Reminiscingable Moment .....
Which is Exploring Someones
in My Dreams ...
Therefore I Always wait
for the Night......
