the one who knows how to control his anger will survive even in hardships.-
lassie thevar
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Joined 24 April 2020
10 FEB AT 13:50
10 JAN AT 15:46
Be responsible in every single thing. Your circumstances will definitely change.
7 JAN AT 22:22
If you forget or hide "a mistake", it will repeat itself until you correct it
6 JAN AT 21:12
Realize that living a simple life
is neither ugly nor poverty✌️
எளிமையான வாழ்க்கை
வாழ்வது அசிங்கமோ
வறுமையோ அல்ல என்பதை உணருங்கள்-
4 JAN AT 19:17
If you don't see any change in your life, it means that you have not taken any risk in your life