Men come and men go but there are very few individuals who leave permanent foot prints on the sands of his history for generations to learn and follow. one such hero which India got was Dr APJ Abdul kalam sir
October 15 which is the birthday of Dr APJ Abdul kalam ,is commemorated as world student 's day on his birthday since 2010
Today is his 90th birth anniversary
Happy birthday to one of the most influence and honoured person who has given his entire life to serve our nation
Happy Birthday Dr APJ Abdul Kalam sir🙏🙏
- Surbhi-
15 OCT 2021 AT 13:41
28 JUL 2020 AT 0:32
You shouldn't only dream
with your eyes closed
You must have the same wish
with your eyes open in total
And work on it with
courageously in every possible way
With a positive attitude..
15 OCT 2020 AT 8:06
missile man नाम इनका सादगी से भरी सुरत हैं
ज़िन्दगी भर की देश की सेवा महानता की ये मूरत हैं-
15 OCT 2018 AT 13:25
स्वतंत्र भारत के सपूत,मिसाइल मैन 'डाँ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम' जी के जन्मदिवस के अवसर पर उनकी पुण्यात्मा को अश्रुपूरित श्रद्धांजलि,
"ओम शांति शांति शांति"
🌻🌼शत्-शत् नमन🌼🌻-