#terrace quotes

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1 APR 2019 AT 12:04

*The Rooftop*
I met you on the rooftop,
You, a free soul.
I, caged in my own home.
You met me every day,
We were now, companions.
I said you all that I had gone through,
Within the four walls.
In turn, you told me;
How beautiful the outside world was!
The rooftop had now become a place-
Where we exchanged our tales.
I gave you food.
In turn, you sang melancholic songs.
One day, you flew away, farther than I could think.
You left me alone on the rooftop,
You made my heart sink.


4 AUG 2017 AT 21:07

He left me on terrace
To gaze me through the stars


2 APR 2019 AT 15:25


4 AUG 2017 AT 21:55

''Yes, I was capable enough
to absorb all her secrets and pains.
No, but I couldn't save the depressed girl,
a rape victim from jumping off...''

Apologised the crying TERRACE to the moon.


4 AUG 2017 AT 20:28

A vacant terrace,
The lifeless woman,
An unexpected end!!


5 AUG 2017 AT 5:36

There’s something about sitting alone in the dark on the terrace that reminds us how big the world really is and how far apart we all are. As the stars look like they’re too close, we could reach out and touch them, But we can’t.
Sometimes things look a lot closer than they are.


12 MAY 2020 AT 9:34

She loves to
Feed the pigeons
To count the stars
While falling asleep
To the lullaby
Of the breeze
She loves to dance
To her own music
In the rain
Cause the terrace
Only knew how
Her fleeting steps
Embraced the music.


4 AUG 2017 AT 22:04

तलबग़ार थे हम छत के, जहाँ हसरतों की पंतग उड़ा सकें
तलबग़ार थे हम ज़मीन के, जहाँ वजूद का परचम लहरा सकें
ना छत मिल सकी, न ही ज़मीन नसीब हुई
जिंदगी तू
अधर में लटकी Middle Flat बन कर रह गयी


4 AUG 2017 AT 20:14

My Dream, my Love, my Baldachin
is this Terrace , where my first love
was sprouted before Century


4 AUG 2017 AT 21:34

छत पर थी तपती धूप
मैं तेरे प्यार में बनकर मूक
अपनें नंगें पांव जलाकर
दुनिया से छिपते छिपाकर
आयी थी तेरे पास
करके प्यार पर विश्वास
कैसे आज वो प्यार रूठा
हमारा बरसों का साथ छूटा
जन्मों का नाता टूटा
हाय इश्क़ नें हमको लूटा
अब निकलती है दिल से दुहाई
इश्क़ से हारी है सारी खुदाई
