#sob quotes

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30 MAY 2017 AT 17:58

Uttering inaudible words of grief and sorrow, a quivering woman, buried under her own arms sobbing uncontrollably, is an accepted notion in the society. But, a zealous man, melted by the daily hardships of existence, is labeled a crybaby, when that particular music note brushes through one of his vulnerable nerves to drown him in tears. It is in these private moments of weakness, that human beings unearth their true inner strengths leading to mature mannerisms. That is why, girls mature, both emotionally and psychologically, before boys in the course of life.


20 JUN 2017 AT 0:48

i feel.
that there breaths
something weak inside.
which sobs in melancholy
with a hundred hues of agony.


14 JAN 2017 AT 21:51

ऐसी रात..!


15 JUN 2020 AT 14:27

if you are feeling lonely,
know that you always have
someone who will be more
willing to listen to your
sob stories than to hear you
sobbing to yourself!


14 DEC 2018 AT 1:58

After hours of
I wake up everyday
to scream
"I Love You"
to reflections

Only to
in the hours of dark.


29 APR 2017 AT 10:40

Your anger. My tears.

Why do you get angry so easily?
How do you get angry so easily?
Is it so difficult to let it go?
I am tired of making you understand, that your anger affects you more than anyone else. I-am-tired. I have started to fear your anger for it so uncertain and so unreasonable. I cry out of fear.


29 JAN 2018 AT 19:26

ഒരു തേങ്ങലോടെ അല്ലാതെ എൻെറ ഒാർമകളെ മനസിലേക്കു ക്ഷണിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് വരുവാൻ എനിക്കു സാധിക്കുന്നില്ല...

I'm not able to invite my memories to my mind without the companionship of a sob...


21 MAY 2017 AT 10:37

While she laughs, the world laughs with her....


While she sobs, the world laughs at her.


27 MAY 2020 AT 18:47

His tears only fall on my shoulders and his sob getting lost between my chest.


8 NOV 2018 AT 22:31

I lost trust
you lost me

I mean
how can I sob
and laugh
at the same time
