#shapepoetry quotes

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17 JUL 2017 AT 19:38


25 MAY 2019 AT 21:14

stirs in air
smooth into jade
@- settling gently into-@
a hesitating silence.
@- one note transfers its-@
elegance into another
@- caressing the senses-@
slowly moving up
a domed ceiling
wavering eyes
floating skies
music flowed
rushing down
lanes n alleys
amplifier and
bass speakers
by the square
building into
and rushing down from
invisible heights to splash skywards
and then fall again like a mizzle on face
embracing the vagabond in you closely and
your body floats relaxed in a forgotten realm.
Fingers unwind the lunatic waves in your
bloodstream. palms arch, slide and
turn, glimmering in a fog of blue light
sweat hangs from the tips of engrossment
hawk eyes fierce, gaze below a grooved burrow
strokes of dusky nuances strumming the cold blue air
everyone wore denim souls and calico hearts blending
in the crescendo of rippling turquoise spacings of music
sneaking out of reality into a world of gallons of hope
dreaming in the tunes of purple haze of moon burst.
The brilliant, insane cacophony of blue notes and
dark words ebbed and flowed with raw energy
and raspy cheers, binding soul to soul
with strings of harmonious notes.


5 MAY 2017 AT 9:33

हम तो
ठहरे बस ,
अंगूर का एक खट्टा -
मीठा ,छोटा सा दाना
और तुम हापुस
आम के रस
की धार
प्रिये !


12 JUL 2017 AT 5:48

चल तू कृष्ण बन जा , आज मैं राधा बन जाती हूँ
बिन भगवा डाले आज तेरी जोगन बन जाती हूँ
तन की मिट्टी पर तेरे भाव के रंग लगाती हूँ
मन गली को चल वृन्दावन बनाती हूँ
आग लगे इस दुनिया को प्रीतम
केश के घन तम उपवन में आज
हथेली पर चाँद खिलाती हूँ
मिलन नही कान्हा, चल
मनन के राग गाती हूँ
कान्हा तुझे मैं भाव
भवँर में समभाव
से बुलाती हूँ


9 DEC 2017 AT 15:20

◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
◆ I Still ◆ ◆ Remember. ◆
◆ The Day I ◆ ◆ Met Him ◆
◆ It Was ◆ Nothing Like ◆
◆ The YashRaj Movies. ◆
◆ There Were No Violins ◆
◆ Playing Around. ◆
◆ But, The Very Moment. ◆
◆ He Smiled At Me. ◆
◆ My Heart Knew ◆
◆ We Belong ◆
◆ Together ◆
◆ ◆

It Wasn't A Love At First Sight.
For Us, It Was Love At First Smile.

~ Dr. Upasana Gupta


12 FEB 2018 AT 19:03

अच्छा है कि
तुम नही समझ पाते
मुझे और नही जान पाते
हो कि तुम मेरे लिए
क्या हो ...
है !


16 NOV 2017 AT 18:02

and then one day
you find a s o l a c e
in the constant
struggle to find
peace. 'Cos once
attained, the need
w i l l c h a n g e.
To find more
peace than
there already


11 NOV 2017 AT 17:42

Locked here
in the depths
of her h e a r t,
Lie the reasons
behind many of
her decisions. Some beautiful.
S o m e dark. But to unlock these,
It would take him just minutes.
Judging by the way he knows
the r h y t h m of her beats.


17 NOV 2017 AT 5:02

Our togetherness
has no o b s t a c l e s,
'Cos they can't r e a c h
our souls that are UNITED.
As one as we are, we are still
two for them and I let them live
with their misconceptions
as I drown deeper
w h i l e they
help me into
b l e n d i n g
i n t o y o u r
c r i m s o n s


31 MAY 2021 AT 17:56
