#pleasing quotes

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23 JUN 2018 AT 20:52

Neither pleasing nor pleasing can make them stay in your life if they didn't want to.


24 OCT 2021 AT 0:56

People are never pleased no matter what you do,
So simply do nothing.


29 JUN 2020 AT 19:08

Always keep in mind that those people are real who are there with you in both your pleasing and tough time.


1 MAR 2020 AT 20:03


9 JUN 2020 AT 7:14

The most pleasing word in the world
That is "SMILE" β˜ΊπŸ˜ŠπŸ™‚


Reject such things that exist to
please mind but have no meaning.


19 MAR 2022 AT 20:56

Avoid Anxiety, Stress
and Depression by
stopping the act
of Pleasing Others.β€” % &


24 FEB 2020 AT 11:56

When I am turning you on
I don't want you to be pleasing
I want you to be pleading


9 NOV 2018 AT 23:44

He: Why social tags and social pleasing is so important for people.

She: smiled and said,
Socials tags and pleasing is one in the same and for many people it is important because they don't value themselves and they don't have the will to hear their heart as their mind is crowded with so many voice and opinions of others.

He: how do you do it everytime?
You explain me in a simplest way
without worrying about being judged.

She: If I worry about judgements then I would be crowded and my heart doesn't like to be crowded.


7 MAR 2018 AT 2:58

Sometimes you accept the reality because the illusion is no longer pleasing you.
