#noise quotes

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1 APR AT 6:44

सबसे ज्यादा तकलीफ कब होती है पता है !!
सब सोचते होंगे कि जब दो लोग के बीच आवाज़ गूंज रही हैं तब तकलीफ़ होती है, पर इन्हें यह कौन बताए कि सबसे ज्यादा तकलीफ तब होती है जब कोई आपके खातिर चुप्पी साध ले और आप उस के लिए।
वह ख़ामोशी बड़ी खलती है,
एसा लगता है कि ...
ना बोले भी वह बहुत कुछ बोल जाती है।
तो क्या हम यह नहीं कह सकते कि आवाज़ से ज्यादा ख़ामोशी बात करती है !!


29 MAR AT 2:21

उजलत में गुजरते दिन, रा'नाइयाँ है रातों में
कहीं नींद का बोझ, कहीं नावाक़िफ़ सी होड़ है
निढाल है ये शहर, यहाँ केवल शोर है।


7 MAR AT 14:52

Silence is a word
which creates noise
in the other person
but that silence needs
someone who
listens carefully.


7 FEB AT 11:22

While promises are making noise for attention.
Efforts attract in Silence!


9 JAN AT 19:34

मैं जब कभी अपने अंदर का शोर सुनता हूं तो 
बाहर से ख़ुद को ओर अधिक शांत पाता हूं।


17 DEC 2023 AT 6:28

For some there are many reasons to celebrate and for others many reasons to ponder


25 NOV 2023 AT 23:40

जमाने की तौर से, गुजरने लगे हैं हम।
वक्त से पहले, बड़े होने लगे हैं हम।।


22 NOV 2023 AT 18:16

Noise makers

Talking in reverse, speaking nonsense
Repeating the verse, makes no sense
Loudly you burst, your mind is dense
You must be first, at others' expense

Babbling so much, rambling so often
Mumbling a bunch, a serious problem
Stuttering and stuff, sour as a lemon
Always cause a fuss, like a henchman

Honking like geese, quacking like ducks
Grunting like a beast, covered in bugs
Frying in grease, even your cooking sucks
You ruin the feast, a bad turkey that clucks

Snorting like pigs, you squeal like swine
Think real quick, or will you just whine?
The clock goes tick, can you not tell time?
The plot gets thick, the end of your line


8 NOV 2023 AT 11:33

You cannot control certain people
When they make noise in our world.
If there is peace in your mind
There will be peace in your world.


13 OCT 2023 AT 14:54

Just like his height.
Yesterday was another journey for him..
The noise from his room was appalling, he stresses everyone out, it's no wonder he doesn't have friends.
He comes home late at night and leaves so early in the morning....the moment he leaves,everyone sighs ...he comes and goes just like a storm
He didn't actually kill anyone, he just talks a lot and this kills us
