#marijuana quotes

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13 JUN 2017 AT 8:36

चमचागिरी एक अंतर्मुखी प्रतिभा है,
अफीम की लत बहिर्मुखी प्रदर्शन है,

आदतें छूटने पर जिस्म में ऐंठन लाज़मी है।


20 NOV 2021 AT 20:18

My wish was vanished
due to the climate.
Don't force me to
sleep on the mat.

You are my nirvana.
Don't leave me
with booze and marijuana.


2 FEB 2019 AT 22:07

I dont take marijuana ,
bcoz I feel high even without that..!


9 MAR 2020 AT 7:50

Someone asked What is the most intoxicating thing you have tried?

The intoxication of her eyes
- A Stoner in love replied


16 DEC 2018 AT 13:15

I am not a tea lover..

Yet the smell of it acts like marijuana ..


30 JUL 2020 AT 10:18

বন্ধুত্ব বলতে সেই তো শুধু বাবার নামেই কলরব।


18 MAY 2017 AT 23:06

When the whole world was finding her in marijuana, I found my cup of tea in her.



20 MAR 2019 AT 12:49

Your love feels like Marijuana,
Hallucinating and Illegal to use,
But it soothens my soul.


10 JAN 2018 AT 10:33

It's better to get High on
As Reality is also one side of
Our Own Perceptions


6 DEC 2020 AT 0:57

We live in a world where racism and slavery are praised and was once legal.

While a pure, natural marijuana plant that provides healing & medicinal benefits is demonized & was once illegal.

Thats like killing people for sniffing a flower & reward others for pushing someone off a cliff.

Imagine that...
