#hesitation quotes

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11 NOV 2020 AT 14:26


A demon in my mind
Who turns me blind
Bulk of hesitation
Stops me to shine
You are an angle
I told my mind
But hesitated behavior
under rates all my pride!!


25 APR 2020 AT 21:51

I wonder how lucky is that child
who is crying without a hesitation


18 DEC 2020 AT 20:40

I am a barefaced person
Who wants to outstrip with passion
Enamour with my profession
Desire to apprehend the beauty of complexion
Beholden to my guardian
Who always helps me to overcome from my hesitation!!


9 JUN 2020 AT 21:19

Warmth of your hands can give someone mental peace, never hesitate when you find someone sad.


18 JUN 2020 AT 15:15

First step for succeed in life:-
"Accept your present without any hesitation & fear.''


10 MAY 2020 AT 9:00

It always happens:
That instead of confessing,
we choose to supress our feelings..
Because instead of having faith in the possiblity of being together,
We are more scared of,
losing that pure bond with that person...


1 DEC 2017 AT 11:26

Don't hesitate to ask me for help. I'll definitely not be there.


8 AUG 2021 AT 21:58

में लिखा हैं
निराश मत होना
कमज़ोर तेरा वक्त है
तू नहीं!


13 MAY 2020 AT 23:29

यह दिल मानेगा नहीं ,
चाहेगा... पर तुझे बताएगा नहीं ।


20 FEB 2020 AT 19:30

I'm hesitate to talk to you:
in thought of you i'm talking to pen,
reason is the dope you gave.
