#groups quotes

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6 NOV 2018 AT 6:39

They add me to groups, and forget.


10 SEP 2021 AT 20:35

The effort of single man can't win this world.
But when a group of people of same set of goal can CHANGE THIS WORLD.


19 NOV 2019 AT 22:52

My first reaction when I get
a whatsapp message in group

Haven't I muted this group yet


5 DEC 2021 AT 11:59

Group norms and attitudes are highly contagious as everyone in group wants group approval and recognition. Members of group won't respond but they simply react without awareness.


13 JUL 2021 AT 0:45

Ants are disciplined insects and they have arranged social groups.


5 JUN 2017 AT 18:59

Are We Indian? Truly?
Are You Believe In Caste?
If We Are Indian Then Why We Are Divided Into Groups According To Caste?

Can I Help To Change Vision?
My Caste Or Region: INDIAN


7 MAR 2017 AT 13:42

कहे तू मुझे पत्थर दिल
कभी तो ये सुन ले,
आज भी inactive group को,
leave and delete नहीं
mute instead किया करते हैं ।।


11 AUG 2017 AT 1:35

lunch before interval,
Nicknames of friends,
mimicry of teachers,
friends and groups,
Enjoy while punishment
with friends,
And silly homeworks,
these are golden days
of school memory....


3 MAY 2017 AT 21:23

( कई बार मेरे मन में ये विचार आता है कि " समूह में रहना" हमारी सबसे बड़ी उपलब्धि है या सबसे बड़ी भूल। जानवर भी समूह में रहते हैं सुरक्षा के लिए मगर हम तो समूह में रहते हैं इक दूजे से लड़ने के लिये। फिर अधिक दिमागदार कौन हुआ) ...

[[कैप्शन में पढ़ें]]


9 SEP 2020 AT 11:35

F-Fake Fights like idiots but Filled with infinity love,
R-Root of joy and happiness,
I-making Innocent faces and acts silly,
E-Extremely caring for eachother,
N-Need each other and Never stops caring,
D-Doesn't let others hurt u,
S-Supporting each other till the end.
