#green quotes

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27 OCT 2019 AT 10:03

Happy Diwali to you.🎊🎉🌃💫

The person who gave us a medium of expressing our-self, emotions thoughts.
Thank you so much


4 MAR 2019 AT 12:18


11 DEC 2016 AT 6:06

केसरी, सफ़ेद और हरा
हर रंग है क्यों डरा
भारत माँ पूछ रही
बेटों बताओ जरा


5 MAY 2017 AT 20:35

Saffron and Green fell
in love with each other.
Society congratulated
them with Red.


15 JUN 2017 AT 12:51

God looked at the earth and thought,
"To make this earth colorful,
I filled every color equally then
why green is decreasing?"

#SaveTrees #KeepPeace #GoGreen


14 MAY 2019 AT 0:25

मुझसे मोहब्बत करना
तो बेइंतेहा करना।
मुझसे मोहब्बत करना
तो लिपट जाना मुझसे ऐसे
जैसे कोई बेल
किसी पेड़ से लिपटती है,
कुछ ऐसे कि तुम्हें
मुझसे दूर करने का
महज़ प्रयास ही
तुम्हें तुमसे दूर करना हो,
कुछ ऐसे, कि कुछ समय बाद
मुझमें मुझसे ज़्यादा,
तुम रहो।
तुम मेरे दिलो दिमाग पर चढ़ जाना
ऐसे कि मैं खो दूं
ख़ुद को, तुम में,
कुछ ऐसे कि मैं सूख भी जाऊं
तो मुझे सूखने का गम ना हो।
कुछ ऐसे कि मैं हरी रहूं
काली पड़ने के बाद भी।

- सुप्रिया मिश्रा


6 MAY 2017 AT 10:56

As I looked outside my window
world is like a beautiful dream
A group of birds took my attention
Imagined, how it feels to live in green?
Their twitter told me everything.
That they are so much happy being.


23 SEP 2017 AT 11:08

The colour of love's gotta be green!


23 SEP 2019 AT 23:49

Each shade of green,
was delightful to treasure
like moonlight snow.
Every curves of the leaves
were deftly sculpted
to adore a primitive grace.
Every whiff of wood
was so ligneous to engorge
like boscage weald.


5 MAY 2017 AT 23:10

All this while
I was painting
My typewriter
Blue & green
when all those
Words surged out
were always
