#dontdisturb quotes

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27 JAN 2019 AT 18:31

का बोर्ड लगा रखा है।
खुशी आती है लौट जाती है।


7 JAN 2021 AT 18:13

Don't disturb...
It's exam time


12 APR 2020 AT 19:54

Sometimes conversation doesn't matters......
Watching her alone resting like this can
give u the most beautiful memory ❤️


27 JUL 2018 AT 21:50

Dead demons
Don't disturb


9 APR 2020 AT 1:19

मैं समंदर सा शान्त था,
वो नदियों से शोर मचाये जा रहे थे।
थोड़ी सी उफ़ान हमनें क्या मारी,
अब वो ख़ुद को ही ढूढते फिर रहे हैं।।


2 NOV 2019 AT 6:36

°°°फिलहाल मेरा मूड खराब है,😖😶😐

इसलिए तेरे कर्मों का ना कोई जवाब है llll🤐😶😐😑°°°

__जिस दिन दिमाग खराब होगा,😬

उस दिन एक-एक का हिसाब होगाlllll😒😏__


18 JUL 2020 AT 0:35

If you don't have good intentions,
Don't bother her.


27 MAR 2021 AT 20:14

The wrinkled leaf has
its own way to flow.
If we disturb it...
it will get crumpled
and be like the ash.


20 OCT 2020 AT 20:40

कोई दरवाज़ा ना खटखटाये
कोई खिड़की पे बैठा हूँ टकटकी लगाए


7 JAN 2018 AT 10:00

I want to tell everyone on Yourquote that if I am helping you in any matter of Yourquote then it doesn't mean that i am interested in you...I am always a helpful person and help others in every possible ways...So dont flirt with me in comment section and i wanted to just help you,not giving you a chance to flirt with me...Honestly speaking I respect everyone on Yourquote but when anyone will disturb me or will flirt with me then i will block you from my profile...I REPEAT so be CAREFUL and happy writing...😊
