#cell quotes

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27 MAY 2022 AT 17:15

Ohh dear! my faith in
you is just like this silica
cell wall of Diatoms,
which is unbreakable
even after many year
& years....... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


29 MAY 2017 AT 15:20

My eyes open
To the rays of darkness
In the cell
Amongst dust particles
Roaming freely
Than my legs bound in chains


18 JUL 2017 AT 10:56

Invincible Noise

I try to shield my senses from the chaos around me, hoping to secure even a second of solace from this world covered with decaying roses and false smiles. But it is no use, for there is an advancing destruction inside me, that spreads from the foundations of my soul to the very essence of my existance. I feel it creeping, surrounding my fragile bones, twisting them until they are nothing but dust that my demons puff away like matured dandelions.

And how can I forget about the noise?
The noise.. it's always there, like rusted nails scratching pieces of metal in my mind.. But on good days, it's more like the continuous sound of a butterfly who's wings tap the inside of a glass jar, trapped. It fills my head.. as if every cell in my body screams for the pain to stop.
But I, how can one respond to a cry for help when they don't see the threat?
When they can't feel the threat?

My ability to feel has long been stolen, and in it's place is an echoing void with nothing but the overflowing smell of death. I'm forever confined inside these walls that are slowly closing in on me.


26 APR 2020 AT 19:40

if i am the cell
then be my mitochondria
not lysosome

-Sparsh Sharma


7 AUG 2017 AT 9:57

The Devil's Seal

How many centuries must I stare at these barren walls?
At the droplets of sweet honey that pools onto the ceiling, just out of my reach?
At the chains around my emaciated hands whenever I try to?

"Until your scars fade, until the bleeding subsides, until your limbs return, will you be free to walk, newly adorned."
A letter that had been chisled into my mind. One that never stops being read by the ominous hums of the undead.

A small crack in the concrete is the only thing for which I give my undivided attention. If I dare shift my gaze, I will lose sight of the only thing I have, my one right eye.

But it won't matter much longer, in time these prison walls will become my home. A place that will be forged with my every cell.

To love and suffer, or to live alone and forever try to heal?
How foolish it was of me,
if only I knew it was marked with the Devil's seal.


11 DEC 2017 AT 23:04

The so-called "intelligentia"
Sarcastically remarked that,
The ceiling of my "cell" is
The ceiling of my existence;
My life revolves around mi-phone,
Bounded within these sleek walls;
But my MIND travels way beyond,
Beyond all barriers and obstacles;
Accompanied by the "inter-net"
Of electromagnetic connections
Of ideas, thoughts and minds
All over the universe.

Am I really confined in this "cell"?
The world is trapped in my cell
And I am just staring at the fun....


16 MAR 2017 AT 21:04

PASSWORD of his device made parents unaware of his regular activities over it.

Atlast the PASSWORD led him towards annihilation.

*Teen cell phone Addiction*


14 FEB 2018 AT 10:53

I was also taught
that cells are the main
building blocks of the body.
I was, once, a significant cell
in his heart.

Yet, I forgot that humans
are multi-cellular.
I was, merely, one cell
among many others.


25 FEB 2018 AT 11:18

I wanted to be your "cell".
(The basic structural and functional unit of life.)

But you preferred a "tissue" more.
(A group of similar cells working together to achieve a particular function.)


1 MAR 2018 AT 21:21

He says to forget him ,
Now I have to chisel every cell,
And mute all the voices,
That chants only his name
