#walkingdead quotes

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24 FEB 2018 AT 18:58

मंज़िल की तरफ जाती हुई राहों में अगर कांटे हो...
थोड़े रुको🚶.......थोड़े चलो🏃.......
एक गरीब...नौकरी ढूंढ रहा था अखबार में...💭
लिखा था✍..."पकौड़े तलो" 😢


16 FEB 2018 AT 14:55

Some people, even though suffering severe injuries of heart, speak the language that heals the wounds of others!!


16 FEB 2018 AT 15:33

And some people are dead, but they are still alive


27 FEB 2018 AT 21:42

बहुत जी लिया है टुकड़ों में
अब बस खुल के मरना चाहती हूँ
हाँ मैं हँसना चाहती हूँ
सिर्फ हँसना...


21 MAR 2019 AT 22:13

Current wish

I just want someone to hold my hand, walk miles with me. I want happiness, I am tired of ignorance.


16 FEB 2018 AT 15:47

Some people, even though shrewd act
like they are so immaculate from their
heart !!!!


16 FEB 2018 AT 16:14

Some people, even though dead, leave memories behind which speak for them till eternity.


16 FEB 2018 AT 21:40

The good souls after passing ,
Understands the language of your heart 💓😊


16 FEB 2018 AT 15:49

Some people, even though alive, continuously kill you with their words.


16 FEB 2018 AT 15:02

Some people, even though normal, speak the language of weird like psychos.
