#quote40 quotes

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30 MAY 2021 AT 10:03

You can either dream
for success or
Hunt for success.


13 JUN 2020 AT 12:42

I’m not Shakespeare to write about you, I am not Piccaso to Paint you, I am just yours who wants to say “I am always with you”.


6 MAY 2018 AT 18:57

I was waiting for the love of my life

I am waiting for 'Acche Din'😂


13 JUL 2020 AT 16:36

मुम्किन नहीं रहा
तुमसे नफरत करना
मुम्किन नहीं रहा
तुम्हारे ज़िक्र को भूल जाना
सांसों की डोर बन गए हो
मुम्किन नहीं रहा
अब इस डोर को कतरना...
–Nidhi Jain


26 APR 2019 AT 18:40

MCU fans woke up
at 6 today,
because they
can't miss their
first day first show !
I wake up
at 6 everyday,
because I
can't miss class !


9 FEB 2019 AT 11:59

वो जब अकेले मे कोई
मिठास मुंह से लगाती होगी
उसको मेरे दिए हर एक
बोसे की याद आती होगी


10 MAY 2020 AT 22:11

बचपन में थोड़ा फंबल था
इसमें भी तेरा संबल था।


7 APR 2020 AT 13:30

Religion must be
recognised the fundamental
tenets of
liberty ,equality and fraternity.
Unless a religion recognizes
these three fundamental
principles of social life,
religion will be doomed.


25 MAY 2020 AT 8:04



3 AUG 2018 AT 10:53

I love you so much..
