#appeasement quotes

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29 APR 2019 AT 12:01

I am not a candle
that will melt in the wind.
I am the tornado that will
ravage everything you have
built, on the strength of

(Read Full in Caption)


24 NOV 2020 AT 8:58

उनको खुश करने की कोशिश में बिक जाइए
ऐसे व्यापारी रिश्तों से जल्दी ही बाज आइए
जो आपके सुर्ख एहसासों को ही तवज्जो न दे
उनको तोहफे कब तक बांध पाएंगे, फरमाइए!


25 MAY 2018 AT 14:04

In the process of keeping ourselves
Happy, we many times ignore the
things or people which are important
to us and run behind things or people
which give damn about our feelings.


18 MAY 2018 AT 20:12

Appeasement of few
Genocide of the mass.
Tell me o soldier
Do you fire the bullet
From the gun
With own heart?


3 MAY 2022 AT 8:31

Why am I secular?


चिंतन करते-करते रूप ,
गए कई दिन बीत ;
ना तो हाथ लगा कोई रस,
और ना तो कोई गीत !!— % &चिंतन ही एकमात्र सहारा ,
चिंतन ही कवि की रीत ;
बिना हाथ में लिए मदिरा ,
क्या बना कभी कोई संगीत !?— % &एक ओर तो बसे मुरारी,
लिए हृदय में प्रीत ।
और हृदय मध्य तो तुम हो रूप,
मेरी इकलौती मीत !!— % &ऋतु चाहे हो उष्ण ,
या फिर हो ऋतु शीत ;
रूप मुझे यदि मिले पराजय ,
फिर भी मिले तुम्हें जीत !!— % &


15 JUL 2019 AT 10:02

Upliftment is resourcing underprivileged to get positivistic returns, whereas appeasement following unexpected return policy, maintain the fallacy !


2 JAN 2021 AT 13:14

सच में बहुत थक गया हूँ ब्रो भारत में हो रहे "सेकुलरिज्म" और "तुष्टिकरण" की राजनीती से 😉


4 AUG 2020 AT 12:51

*I won't be able to leave YQ permanently.

* I will never change myself to appease someone.

* I solemnly swear that I won't stop being sarcastic.

* I won't; rather I can't go out of my way to join the trend.


24 JUL 2019 AT 1:26

If ours is radical nationalism, then yours strategic projection of secularism and liberalism connects deep down under; with only flagship transformation with similar outdated catalysts - " ডিম ভাত " & " হার্মাদ "

Default is appeasement, which separatist collective interest groups supporting deviation theories, use to plot consipiracies against the integrity of India !
