#sec377 quotes

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6 SEP 2018 AT 16:51

आज कुछ राहत की सांस मिली।
आखिर इतने दिन का नक़ाब जो उतर गया।


6 SEP 2018 AT 23:58

சட்ட திருத்தம்(sec :377)

தன்பால் சேர்வதும்
அன்பால் என்பதை
இனி உலகம்.....

காதலுக்க ஏது


சட்டம் ஏற்கும்
அதன் ஓட்டைகள் ஏற்குமா?

புதிய காதலின் (ம)இனம்.......


7 SEP 2018 AT 12:29

Emotions has no judgement. Free to love, free to fly together.


15 SEP 2019 AT 12:21

Now they can expressed their feeling without any hesitation and discrimination....💛💜💚❤️💙



10 JUL 2018 AT 15:27

Being gay is not against our culture. Our culture tells us to love and accept everyone.
Hinduism has never taught me that being gay is unnatural.
It has taught me to love everyone and not judge anyone.
Let people love who they want.


28 SEP 2018 AT 20:47

Apparently instead of country's GST, the exemption is wrongly considered by government as "Gays and Sex Tax."
(with regards to Sec 377 & IPC 497)


9 SEP 2018 AT 8:09

She chose her over the society. And that was the kind of beginning their love required.


6 SEP 2018 AT 20:01

Dear Stigma,

Even though we have succeded in effort of washing you off legally,
You won't easily leave society's mind,
But rationality & awareness will remove you completely one day for sure..

A free mind.


30 SEP 2019 AT 9:09

An open letter to our society
( #sec 377)
(Read in caption)


10 SEP 2018 AT 18:14

Bhai “Jaan” can have a different meaning all together now!
