#liferoads quotes

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10 FEB 2018 AT 11:33

Dhundle se rastoon pe do gaz zameen dhundte hai...
Chalne ko rahi...har din...ek nayi ummid dhundte hai...


5 FEB 2021 AT 21:09

“चलना तो अकेले ही हैं इस सफर में,
बस एक ख्वाहिश है इसे तेरे साथ पूरा करने की ।”


21 SEP 2020 AT 23:37

Nature designs the road of your life with utmost concern to your heart and potential. Mother nature knows us all very well.


2 NOV 2020 AT 13:20

ಬಂದು,ಹೋದವರ ಒತ್ತಡ ಹಾವಳಿಯಿಂದಾಗಿ
ಅದೆಷ್ಟೇ ಉತ್ತಮ ರಿಪೇರಿ ಮಾಡಿದರು ಬದುಕಿನ
ದಾರಿಯೆಕೋ ಸುಧಾರಣೆಯನ್ನೇ ಕಾಣಲಿಲ್ಲ......


24 MAR 2018 AT 20:59

The most important roads of life don't have U-Turns.....


20 JUL 2020 AT 16:45

अड़चने बहुत मिलेंगी
सफ़र जारी रखो
मोड़ बहुत मिलेंगी
सफ़र जारी रखो
मंज़िल जरूर मिलेंगी
सफ़र जारी रखो......


6 MAY 2022 AT 19:19

Difficult roads
Lead to


8 MAY 2021 AT 9:00

Miles to go......

Walking on the road....
Thinking of tomorrow..
I Wondered, where will I go?
Deep down my soul said...
Oh, Dear you have miles to go.

Unknown of truth and lies
I walked on the road of life with demise.
Demise of my feelings
Demise of my heart..
I remembered I will reap what I will sow..
Deep down my soul said ...
Oh, dear you have miles to go.

Keeping a small curve on my face,
I tried to cope up with the pace.
Miles to go before I reach my destination,
But I ended up in the world of confusion.
Tried to ameliorate my mistakes,
But it was in vain,
In these past years I had nothing to gain.
I tried to put myself in the flow
But deep down my soul said...
Oh , dear you have to go..
Miles to go.....


20 SEP 2020 AT 12:30

However meandering the roads may be.. The journey always will find its destination..


21 OCT 2019 AT 20:16

Measure your success by the number of enemies you have...
