#hooker quotes

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19 AUG 2020 AT 20:07

And when you see
Block you
And then unblock you
To stalk you and block you again!
I mean
Go get a life you fkin hooker!



Being motivated to achieve something is like the pleasure one gets from sex.
But the efforts to achieve is like bearing a child, nourishing it with all that you got and braving the pains...

Most of our efforts die a premature death coz we stop nourishing them and
Demean what motivated us (pleasure) as an affair with a hooker.


20 JUL 2019 AT 10:21

Opinion is like a housewife,
We all have words that don't impress or grab the attention of many when spoken.

Gossip is like a hooker.
Some people craft words ingeniously & fabricate events to seduce attention.


23 DEC 2019 AT 17:37

इस December ना जाने
किसे पहनाएगी वो...? 😜

सुना है अभिसे Sweater बून रही है...!


21 JUN 2020 AT 14:17

A Hooker ( Part 3)

The visuals were all shiny and glittered.
But insides were hollow & withered.
The other day, two young souls had entered the world of tribulation.
The sisters had just begun the journey to crippling affliction.

The cycle had started again.
The emotions were ripped off & quintessence of life never regained.
She knew it's darkest before dawn.
She had to make a move before the life from those bodies was entirely gone.

She stepped out to use some of the contacts this world had offered.
And rushed to get them out of abode of Satan before it's late to recover.

She wished to go along with them out of the living hell.
But destiny played it's card & death is where her life was shelled.

They cried for two reasons, one for their end of enslavement.
The other for the dead angel that had brought them freedom from disenfranchisement.


12 JUN 2020 AT 14:51

A Hooker (Part 2)

All what she remembers from previous night was that she was intoxicated.
She forgot who she was & now she identified herself as broken and wasted.
Everyday she would cry and got hit.
Nobody had sympathy for her,rather she was treated like a piece of shit.

Had no food to eat or water to drink.
Because her life was ruined in a blink.
She wanted to flee or die and resist
The truth had become inescapable just like those dungeons even though she would insist.

Somedays she would dress like princess
Other days she worked like a mistress.
Accomodating herself in different manner
Because she served men with varying badge and banner.

She was shifted from one part of the city to another.
Later brought to one country from another.
In the middle of this, she remembered that between life and herself,she was stronger.
For the tables to turn, she discovered a part of her, which turned out to be braver.


11 JUN 2020 AT 0:18

A Hooker (Part -1)

A young girl unaware of brutality of the world
Delicate & beautiful, fresh &raw just like a flower whorl
As soothing as a nightingale sounds, was her pleasant voice
Then some animals entered & suddenly changed everything into a devastating noise.

Time became her enemy that brought her to the worst.
All what men wanted was to satiate their thirst.
She was no more herself & had lost her will and trust.
Freedom was everything to this once a freebird & that's what she had lost first.


6 JUL 2019 AT 13:42


a vendor
was selling vegetables
“want some ridge gourd”
he quipped at a hooker

“your taunts are enough”
she gave back
and swung away


4 FEB 2019 AT 15:12

I cannot afford you...

Replied ... I'm not a hooker !!

Then I really can't afford you for sure..


1 SEP 2017 AT 23:15

"A dishy woman arrived with porsche,"
"What a shit do you think man ??"
Her clothes are not dresscode for hookers.
