#discord quotes

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25 SEP 2017 AT 23:57

The only solace I ever found was in the spaces that my words left.

I knew I could inhabit those voids without worry and stay for as long as the crevices retained their might against a fledgling deluge that Life had suddenly become.

I lay there hoping you'll find me.

Alas! you never liked to read.


14 OCT 2021 AT 11:42

Scribbles (14/10/2021)

My head throbs
In discordant ways, notes and mornings
The day follows.


20 OCT 2017 AT 7:17

A spark neglected burns the house, they say

True, not because it is a spark of discord

But because it is a spark of love

Love neglected can lead to decimation

Love fostered will lead to illumination


28 SEP 2020 AT 11:15

We carry this discord
The fetters of distress
Which is long, too long
A voyage in the wilderness
Of two parallel worlds
The one chosen for us
Is a deluge of conflicts
The one we chose for ourselves
Is a song that remained unsung.


13 MAR 2019 AT 14:36

A devotee stands on the discord's one side,
On the other stands an atheist,
One kind follows the ones who guide,
To them, The other kind doesn't assist.
Commandments, yamas, niyamas, and rules,
All written for the ones who follow,
Ones who object are stamped as fools,
For in faith, they wouldn't want to wallow.
Having faith is nothing wrong,
But neither is the opposite,
For faith gives one a place to belong,
And I believe atheists don't really feel the need for it.


13 MAR 2019 AT 15:14

Talking about peace! A great passtime. We want to procure them at a cost from material world doing everything it opposes. There is a widespread violence promoted by us through the way we perceive, we think, and we feel.

They will be here when we are already there within us. We need not import harmony into our system if we had not created discord at the first place.


12 JUN 2019 AT 8:46

Change your thoughts to
Abundance instead of Poverty,
Wisdom instead of Superstition
and Ignorance,
Peace instead of inner Strife,
Success instead of Failure,
Joy instead of Sadness,
Light instead of Darkness,
Harmony instead of Discord,
Faith and Confidence instead of Fear.


21 MAR 2023 AT 19:44

Our ego can sometimes become the cause of discord and fight!
गतिविधियों से खूब साफ था अब तो!
बयान कर रहा था उनका अंदाज़-ए-गुफ़्तगू; हाँ यही जता रहा था।
तजुर्बा उनके तेवर को हवा दे रहा था!
सूक्ष्म सा वार्तालाप भी कलह को नया रूप देगा; यह बता रहा था।
लगने लगा मानो प्रतिद्वंदिता जारी हो!
उन दोनों की जैसे कलह की बारी हो; मसला जबरन सता रहा था!
दर्द मुसलसल बढ़ने लगा था कानों में!
देखा तो, दम भी काफी लग रहा था आज, उनके तल्ख़ जबानों में!
रूका कलह अब जाने लगा तहखानों में!
आवाज भी अभी तभी गूँज रहा था, वहाँ घर से बड़े दूर मकानों में!


21 JUN 2018 AT 19:00

creativity would be heightened,
setting the world in motion as
we create with fluidity wars of music,
artistic movement ensues through
dance battles, sound clashes,
rioting beats, until the musically
inclined begins to envy
euphonies, and covetous exchanges
start to ring out, taking us
back to where we are,
it’s called humanities dis-cord.


No more wants,
Peace of mind
What is gained in discord
So cool,
tell sorry,
go forward in life....
