#devastating quotes

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9 JUL 2017 AT 21:10

The most
of all designs
is a life without you.


8 DEC 2017 AT 15:11

I see you seeing us,
with my head on her chest,
her heartbeats remind me of
yours and the vibration
I felt whenever you laughed,
Her touch, so different from
your soft and dainty one,
her smell similar to yours
but hauntingly different,
Like you, she also calls me
whenever I'm late,
but her voice does nothing to
sooth me in my agony-filled nights,
That Batman shirt you wore,
she asked about it many times,
and why I don't give it to her,
Maybe I did not want this,
but I still remember our promise
of letting each other go away
after parting even for once.
Your face tells me that you still care
but I'm happy, hopefully,
and dismayed as I should be.


9 DEC 2017 AT 0:24

I wonder how are you now
Now that I'm gone and
You spend every moment with him!
Do you still feel protected?
Does he annoy you with spiritual stuff?
Do you feel like being lost in him?
Does he sing stupid songs for you?
Does his warmth allows you to
have a deep sleep?
Does he loves you even without makeup?
Does he talk to you whole night?
Is he romantic or a banausic stuff like me?
Is he a complete package with
everything missing in me?
Is he what you really wanted?
But seriously!
How are you now?
Happy, I hope.
Happy, I pray!


26 APR 2021 AT 20:09

मैंने कुछ लोग,
आज डरे हुए देखे,

जो कहते थे ये सब कुछ भी नहीं है,
कुछ घर के चिराग बुझ गए,
मैंने उनमें से ही कुछ सड़कों पे मरे पड़े हुए देखे,

नसीब नहीं हुआ आखिरी बार उनसे मिल पाना भी,
शमशान घाट भी मैंने सारे भरे हुए देखे,

मैंने कुछ रोते बिलखते हुए चेहरे देखे,
मैंने कुछ के हाथ सर पर धरे हुए देखे,

मैंने कुछ लोग
आज डरे हुए देखे..


7 AUG 2018 AT 21:57

The kite runners are those who knows that the ups and downs in life can be dangerous but beautiful too.


12 APR 2019 AT 11:47

साथ का तौहीन कर तन्हाई को अपनाया
इश्क़ को ठुकरा कर नफ़रत को गले लगाया

है ज़िन्दगी कुछ ऐसी ही मेरी
न चाहते हुए भी ख़ुद को ख़ाक में मिलाया...


30 SEP 2020 AT 12:55

तुम तो कहते हो बेटा बेटी एक बराबर हैं,
फिर रेप सिर्फ बेटियों के ही क्यों होते हैं.?


Hearts of a daily-worker are crying..
It is given by #Corona
the eyes, dreamed to be malik
are became servant...


10 JUN 2019 AT 22:33

Having the mind set
Of having devastating effects
'UV' rays hold a place
Similarly as the name tells
And the rays of ball
from his bat
Was highly destructive
Look up the skies and stands around
To see the beauty of 'Yuvi' light....


28 NOV 2018 AT 10:26

Worst is not when,
A tragedy happens,
So debilitating,
That it startles you totally.
And you start writing your emotions.
Worst is when you stop writing,
Due to a tragedy.
That is devastating.
