#destiny quotes

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Have you ever wondered?

That the creator of the electronic gadget that you use right now, to scroll and use this app, has no idea that it is meant for you? Absolutely not.

It was designed by someone, unknown, without the intention of exclusively devising it for you.

It just reached you, only you.

What is meant for you, will always find you.

It needs no one’s approval.



गिरने कभी आप देंगे नहीं, इतना तो पता है मुझे
ठोकरें जो लिखीं हैं नसीब में, शायद संभलकर चलना सिखाने के लिए



Don't fall in love with the darkness just cause you have become comfortable in it. The bright light might be a little bit too much for those eyes but that's where your destiny lies.
Stand up and dust up for the darkness has come to an end in your life to find the path where your light resides.



One think story...
बाहुबली मूवी तो देखा होगा
उस में बाहुबली को एक मास्क
मिलता है और उसे एहसास होता है की
ऊपर कुछ है और वो बार बार प्रयास करता है
गिरता भी है फिर फिर से प्रयास करता है एक दिन वो
वहा पोंच जाता है और वो राजा बनता है
वैसे ही आपका मन करता है की नही
बार बार हारने के बाद भी वही करने को
मन करता है तो करो क्युकी
किस्मत भी कहती है की तू प्रयास करना
मत छोड़ ना तेरे हिस्से में भी मंजिल है
तू बस बेहतर से बेहतर तो बन मंजिल तेरे लिए ही बनी है।।


24 APR AT 21:18

Fate is the silent architect of our journey, weaving the threads of chance and choice into the tapestry of our lives.


24 APR AT 6:40


The saying is," born with a silver spoon",
But, I was born with crutches.

The crutches that helped me in every walk of life, that held me up in each stumble. So much so, that they felt like my own legs.

One baleful night, He stole my crutches..

Since then, I have been trying hard to find my ground but, "I could never stand on my feet again."


Trust me :: Darlin’
Where I buried my dream, was your realm


24 APR AT 0:14

In youth's embrace, love was a simple stream,
Flowing from hearts tender, pure, and green.
Childish whims and softness intertwined,
In the same river, our dreams confined.

We swam with laughter, our spirits light,
But the river's end, vast ocean in sight,
Endless in breadth, its depths unknown,
We drifted apart, into the vastness thrown.

Origins forgotten, the source the same,
In the ocean's arms, we played a different game.
It matters not where the journey began,
For the sea has cycles, part of a grander plan.

Scattered souls, by currents swept,
In the dance of waves, secrets adept.
Yet the ocean's cycle, mysterious and vast,
Can bring together what was once the past.

No belief in destiny, only science I heed,
But what if science is the destiny we need?


23 APR AT 23:59

शुक्रगुज़ार तमाम उन‌ मंज़िलों का
जो क़ामिल हुई ....

रही अधूरी जो ख़्वाहिशें
उनसे खुबसूरत भला क्या !!!!


23 APR AT 10:36

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