#cough quotes

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27 NOV 2017 AT 12:11

"Winter is coming."
Cold and cough be like,
"Season's greetings."


9 MAR 2017 AT 22:49

What do you call it if you are a coffee addict and are suffering from cough?


11 MAY 2018 AT 23:28

The smog, of our love you burnt, chokes me everyday...... I want to cough out all the pieces of your memory, one by one.....


17 NOV 2018 AT 12:15

When you're coughing so much
you start feeling for Mr Kejriwal–


10 NOV 2020 AT 13:22

It has been said:
Love and fragrance can't be concealed
even by hiding

Love is the true grace of God
so why are we shying

The rising sun will be up always
we can't stop it from climbing


2 APR 2019 AT 21:36

Mom my cough is not okay,but I am going college.


1 JUN 2018 AT 1:21

Life is too short to;
Blow in and blow out;
Killing you and everyone around;
And to...
Cough... Cough...
Cough... Cough...Cough...
....till death.


16 NOV 2020 AT 4:21

He never express himself
to her neither she,
Nor they come face to face ever,
Still their love neither hidden
to them nor to the world,
That's the magic their
eyes filled with love
rendered all around.💞


2 MAR 2017 AT 11:46

BBC - Its viral season and people with cough are a cause of concern.

India TV - Poora muhalla inn logo ke "cough" mein hai.


23 MAR 2020 AT 22:50

When i see a bottle of coke

Me: bulati hai magar jane ka nahi
Coke: why can't you see? You belong with me!

After some day...

Me: Hey! four years no call, now you are looking pretty in a hotel bar
Coke: so baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover🤣

After some day...

Me: coughing, sneezing, crying a lot, why the heal i have taken that quaff
Coke: Baby, i am a nightmare dress like a daydream
