#beacon quotes

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2 MAY 2019 AT 15:21

She has the blue moon sapphire eyes
To back up all those gazes
To pierce my guard and
take my soul off to faraway places

She was my beacon of salvation
and I was her starlight


7 AUG 2018 AT 0:17

O beloved Stranger!
Let's frame a picture of forever
And hang it on the walls of our hearts

So if we ever part again
You, to seek the unknown
I, to safeguard the existent
We, to satiate our souls' hunger

The hope of forever
Remain alive deep within our cosmos
And if someone ever attempts
To bargain it for fugitive moments

I wish it acts as a beacon
To guide both of us for better
Again in that kingdom of strangeness
Where only eternal love reigns.


11 NOV 2017 AT 14:21

The Shade of my heart
In the searing heat,
The shining beacon of hope
In the darkness of Despair.


18 JUL 2018 AT 10:14

// Smile //

Smile dear.
Don't give me the one which
is meant to hide your story
in exchange for courtesy.

Or the one that's loud and jovial
but never reaches your eyes.

You would think I would be happy
to catch your smile that reaches
your eyes, but I guess not.

Gift me a smile, that reaches your soul,
breaks all the barriers you built
around your heart, and shines like a
beacon through the broken walls.

Give me your smile,
which makes me go -
Ah, where were you lost
all this time, sunshine ?


1 NOV 2021 AT 0:58

I was just passing by some local bridge
And a strange beacon caught mine sight
Like dumb cat i was chasing watermarks till-ridge
But no progress made and its about twilight...


23 JAN 2018 AT 19:55

Ideas are the beacon light
to the ships on the highs and lows
of the rough sea without which they
will tumble along reaching nowhere.


21 JUN 2021 AT 10:05

So face the dark and
embrace the lights.


22 MAR 2018 AT 0:54

I'm asked to be a blank paper but all I wanna do is get filled
Am asked to be smooth as silk but all I wanna be is a little frilled...
Wanna give my paper benevolent wings
Despite the fact its crashing along clings
Want to awaken my paper's soul
Well how is that supposed to happen until it's whole...
Instead of giving luck a pass
I would like to be guided by my compass
Instead of wandering aimlessly in the mist
I would wait for my beacon to grab my wrist....
Don't fret my paper, u'll meet ur ink
May take forever or happen in an eye's blink


29 JAN 2019 AT 15:26

The night sky which is juniper-purple...
The sound of intoning bees which filled the air...
The stars that are glowing like beacons for the lost souls of the world...
And  the feathered medley which echoed through the trees.


9 JUL 2021 AT 18:30

Beacon English Medium School Kusmunda, Korba.
I completed my all primary classes there & my favourite place there was the Library area yes not for studies 🤭 but the way it was built it's above staffroom we use to play frisbee in front of library. My school was chosen by my mother & changed after class 5 for my better studies. I have many teachers as my favourite nd I use to be teachers favourite too.
