#balance quotes

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9 APR AT 21:32

Embracing balance in all aspects of life for a truly beautiful existence.

Life is a journey, akin to riding a bicycle. Just as we must keep pedaling to maintain balance, in life, we must keep moving forward to find equilibrium.
It's okay that challenges and obstacles may arise, but by continuously pushing forward, we adapt and grow stronger.
Be grateful for your happiness and graceful in your sadness; oh that's the balance between joy and sorrow.
Find harmony between your work life and your personal life. Balance your habits, whether it's eating or exercising. Balance is so wonderful thing to learn.
Oh thinking about something is important, but..., overthinking can disrupt equilibrium. Even here balance plays a significant role.
Remember excess of rest breeds laziness, while neglecting breaks can lead to burnout. Look balance is so important.
So strive for balance in all aspects of life to enjoy this beautiful journey.


7 APR AT 15:14

β€œBalance is not about juggling everything at once, but knowing when to give each aspect of life its due attention.”


5 APR AT 21:43

Keep your mind sharp in business,
but let your heart lead in relationships.
Mixing the two breeds mistrust;
keep them distinct, and trust will flourish.


3 APR AT 18:52

It was when I discovered that the people we truly love can or are also part of our frenemies, then I knew am alone in this agonising world.πŸŒ‘


3 APR AT 4:19

How can I find stability and balance
in a shifting world?


31 MAR AT 21:01

Maintain balance in all aspects of life. Extremes lead to imbalance and chaos. Find harmony within yourself and in your interactions with others.


30 MAR AT 5:21

"Life is a delicate dance between holding on and letting go, finding balance in the ever-changing rhythms of existence."


27 MAR AT 12:40

Time, a silent whisper in the wind,
Guiding us through moments without end.
A friend and foe, a constant force,
Shaping memories, altering our course.

In the tapestry of life it weaves,
Marking the passage of days and eves.
Memories dance in its gentle sway,
Some fading, some forever to stay.

In relationships, time holds the key,
Deepening bonds or setting hearts free.
A measure of change, a sign of growth,
A companion on our journey, both gentle and wroth.

Through the ebb and flow of life's grand design,
Time stands as a marker, steadfast and kind.
A reminder of our journey's grace,
Embracing change with an open embrace.

So let us cherish each fleeting hour,
For time is a gift, a delicate flower.
In its rhythm, we find our truest selves,
Guided by its wisdom, through joy and delves.


18 MAR AT 13:33

Appropriate priority + Analytical insights = Balanced life.


7 MAR AT 23:23

Life is all about balancing your dreams with your truth..
