#wallpaperstalk quotes

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30 MAR 2020 AT 15:40

शक्ल कितनी भी खूबसूरत हो,
सीरत के बगैर सब बेकार है।


23 MAY 2018 AT 21:48

There isn't enough ink in the world
That could quench this poet's thirst
There aren't enough words in this world
That could diminish this poet's hunger
There's only death for a poet here
And I've always been ready


29 SEP 2019 AT 7:52

If we wore badges on our chests
indicating whether we possess
perfect or broken hearts
bandaged or stitched
or possess hearts at all
maybe then, we could've
sustained love longer
than we now do.


24 OCT 2019 AT 17:29

you set your boat on sail
and you wonder,
"why can't I go further?!"
Darling, you are
rigorously rowing, but
in the sands; unmoving.
Just look down once
before you look up at the sky
& start dreaming.


23 MAY 2018 AT 22:42

In search of the place,
where I would bury myself
from the world;
until my inner child feel
strong enough to leave its cocoon..!


25 OCT 2019 AT 10:38

I compose a tune
roll the music sheet
bottle & cork it tight
see it sail faraway
For someone on the
other side of the shore
unfolds it, adds lyrics
in perfect sync
to propose someone else,
singing that same song of love
which firmly holds, a part of me.
My broken piece is thus, safe.
I'm not lost. I'm broken, yet loved.


24 MAY 2018 AT 2:32


Title : Uprooter of Patriarchy and Stereotypes

Subtitle : A Thinker, a Writer and a Reformer


21 NOV 2019 AT 19:24

From fountain to ballpoint,
how pens turned me pensive,
about why I had left some
dreams unseen & uninked.


21 NOV 2019 AT 9:00

Leaf and petal
there's no difference
once fallen.


26 OCT 2019 AT 13:28

jars and lids, you wrongly fix
and you ask me, why I couldn't try.
Fixing myself, I would mess more
So, I left myself, open for you.
