#umbrella quotes

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3 MAR AT 18:46

The wind may knell
and half
what the seashell claims;
You were concealed
embraced in the arms of shore
looked up by the moon,
and from so far
stars and the sand
won't tell further.


11 JAN AT 12:31

Once the rain is over....
An umbrella becomes a burden to everyone. That's how loyalty ends when benefits stops...


18 DEC 2023 AT 0:23

I want to walk under the same umbrella as you, ☂️
Listening to the rhythm of the falling rain drops, ☔️
Looking at each other,
We smile,
Our eyes speaking louder than the our words,
We cross the puddles on the roads,
Holding our umbrella and our hope!


29 NOV 2023 AT 16:09

At times you can't express your feelings through speech hence you take shelter under the umbrella of words...


3 NOV 2023 AT 9:53

மழை நாளில் ஒரு புன்னகை உங்கள் குடையாக இருக்கட்டும்


14 OCT 2023 AT 16:01

Who's your UMBRELLA?

Someone offers a constant
source of 'SUPPORT' and 'COMFORT'
in all seasons,

One who keeps you 'COOL' in the heat of adversity and DRY in life's storms,

A portable roof that makes even the darkest days 'BRIGHTER'



6 AUG 2023 AT 23:57

குடை விரித்து நின்றாலும்

காளான் மழையில்

நனைந்து விடுகிறது


1 AUG 2023 AT 15:34

इन बारिश की बूंदों में भीगे जरा हम

फिर साथ ऐसा मौसम आए ना आए

आ बैठ पास थोड़ी बातें हो जाए...!

भागदौड़ की इस जिंदगी मे हम बिछड़ न जाए!

आ बैठ साथ थोड़ा सुकून लिया जाए...

तेरे बिना ये सावन यूं ही बीत न जाए!


23 JUL 2023 AT 23:20

When it rains,
I share my umbrella.
If i have no umbrella,
I share the rain🧡


21 JUL 2023 AT 15:30


In the pouring rain, a faithful friend stands tall,
An umbrella, a shelter from the water's fall.
Its canopy, a shield, keeping us dry,
As raindrops dance and clouds float by.

A companion in storms, through winds and rain,
An umbrella shields us from nature's refrain.
A burst of colors, patterns, and style,
It adds a touch of joy to every mile.

With every step, it's a steady guide,
Protecting us, walking side by side.
In the summer shower or winter's chill,
An umbrella offers comfort still.

On crowded streets or meadows green,
An umbrella's presence is often seen.
A symbol of protection, come what may,
It's there to brighten even the darkest day.

So when the clouds gather and raindrops start,
Unfurl your umbrella, a work of art.
A simple object, yet so grand,
An umbrella, a friend, forever at hand.
