#tce quotes

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12 JUL 2017 AT 7:52

The Monsoon Winds
Reminded everyone of their
Special someone.
But to her it meant
Something special
"The East Wind takes us all in the end".

From an unexpected place that she never intends to forget.


12 JUL 2017 AT 7:03

Dear rain,

How is it that sometimes you make me happy without any apparent reason at all when I see you?
How is it that sometimes you bring out my sorrow and provide me comfort enough to open up to you?
How is it that sometimes you stand for all the hope in this world?
How is that sometimes you reflect the darkness surrounding me?
How is that you make me fall in love you
And yet you bring out my fear for you?
How is it that despite everyone's love for you, you make a display of our priorities that we choose not to lose to you, everytime you visit us?
Or more of a why?
Why do you stand for a million things that are very contradicting?
Are you trying to tell me something?
Like controversies always exist together.
Or that it is upon me to choose what I stand for .
Or that I have yet a lot of things in this universe that I have no idea about whatsoever.
It is very confusing.
Dear rain,
All that I wish for now is for you to come down once again
But this time just to clear my mind.


11 JUL 2017 AT 21:21

It wAs a mOnSoOn tHrOw pArTy,
aNd aS i wAlKeD dOwN tHe aisLe,
vEhEmEnT vOwS aBoUnDeD aS cHyLe....

I cOnFeSs yOu dAd,
I cOuLdn'T bE hApPieR tHoUGh ItS tHe bEsT wAlK I eVeR hAd wItH yOu!!!!
ThIs lItTle gIrL u rAiSeD aS a mAn will aLwAyS cOcKaMaMy wItH yOu!!!!

I cOnFeSs yOu mOm,
yEaRs hAvE pAsSeD sO qUiCkLy aNd
mY sPLeNdId wEdDiNg iS hErE!!!!
EvEn aFtEr I sAy tHat "I do"
mY hEaRt bElOnGs tO yOu......

I cOnFesS yOu sIs,
mY bEsTiE, I pRoMiSe tO sTaNd bY,
eNcOuRaGe aNd uPliFt yOu!!!!!
At tImEs oF cOnFliCt aNd tRaNqUiLiTy,
uNtill mY dEaTh pArTs yOu!!!!!!

oF all vOwS I tAkE, I pRaY tHaT
aFtEr 60 yEaRs oF mArRiAgE,
3400 (+) aCrEs oF fArM,
10 (+) hOuSeS oF lOvE,
2 bAbIeS oF hIgHpRiDe,
4 gRaNd cHiLdReN,
0 sTaBbiNgs.........
I wOuLd sTaY hErE aT aNyTiMe wItH iNfInItE lOvE fOr pEoPlE pReSeNt hErE.....


12 JUL 2017 AT 0:04

Noun- any wind that changes direction with the seasons.
Classic 'serif' sealed the paper with the above context.

What would be the phenomenon for mind that changes direction with time???!!!
"Being alive?"
Ascertained my literary mind, hunting alphabetically from A to Z.
At 'L' Life smirked to jump at 'R' for Reality.

I mentally estimated with no point of consulting the dictionary.


3 AUG 2019 AT 10:13

ஆம் !

நண்பனை பார்த்த நாள் இன்று !!

அவர்களின் இனிமைகளை உணரும் போது இதயமும் இனிக்கிறது..... !!

கசப்பான காயங்கள் கரையாக நின்றாலும்... !!

மறக்க துணிகிறது ... மனதை குளிர வைத்த நினைவுகள்....!!

வாழ்க்கை கல்வியை கற்றேன் ...இந்த கற்களால் செதுக்கப்பட்ட கருவறையில்....!

கல்லூரி காலங்கள்.... !

மெய்யாலுமே ...! நினைத்தாலே இனிக்கிறது ...!

Batch Day !!
2K11-15 !
