#fuckboy quotes

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18 FEB 2018 AT 11:08

"I love you.", They texted at the same time.

"I love you too." He sent to her.


Sent to the other.

Both believed him.


6 MAY 2019 AT 0:34

I think dating fuckboys is like a rite of passage for girls. It's their way of doing something adventurous. It's like the body's way of saying "feeling cute, might catch a heartbreak and possibly some STD's."


20 JAN 2020 AT 12:23

As I grow older, I learn that the men that are "all the same", aren't the real problem. They are doing you a favour by being who they promised to be from the very beginning.

It's the ones who try too hard to convince you that they are different from the rest, are the real pain 'cause more often than not, they are not.


16 DEC 2017 AT 22:09

1 AM call

You call me at 1 am to say you miss me
We both know where you really want this to lead.
You love to hear my voice, it soothes you
We both know you only love the sounds I make
As I moan your name, isn't that true?
You ask for my picture, you can't wait to see
But you seem to forget where my face is,
For three inches down my neck
is what you always need
Or is it just me?


13 MAR 2020 AT 15:01

ओ जिस्म के भूखे झुटे आशिक़
क्यूँ करता है तू बदनाम हमें
अपनी हवस मिटाने के लिये
क्यूँ करता हैं झुटा प्यार उसे
सच्ची मोहब्बत में तो आग लगा दी
क्यूँ आता है ये रास तुम्हें
हर कोई बस हवस में खो रहा है
सच्ची मोहब्बत करने वाला रो रहा है
पर याद रखों तुम उसे लूट कर भी
कभी भी लूट नही पाओगे
एक बार उसका दिल तोड़ोगे तो
भीख मांगोगे तो भी ना वापस पाओगे
लड़कियो को आखिर क्या समझ रखा है
पैसों से खरीदने वाला सोना या
बाज़ार में पड़ा कोई खिलौना समझ रखा है
नफ़रत हैं ऐसे नामर्दों से जो इज्जत लूटकर
छोड़ देते है लड़कियों का दिल कूटकर
जाओ मर जाओ या सड़ जाओ
मेरे पास ना आओ जाके तुम गड़ जाओ।


19 NOV 2018 AT 7:35

Dear Fuckboys

(Read in caption)


25 AUG 2020 AT 18:34

When a man loses it,
He's considered as macho man 🔥
But when a women loses it,
She is considered as characterless🤐

Nd then uh say that
we shouldn't discriminate among people...


16 FEB 2019 AT 5:01

I wish you were not a fuck-boy !


21 MAR 2018 AT 5:52

A poem for the fuckboys out there.
(In caption)
(I am not sorry for using strong language)


11 AUG 2018 AT 20:15

The hardest thing about being fuckboy is that I hate it, when dogs reject my food.
