#faithinspires quotes

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31 OCT 2020 AT 11:31

“ If someone tells you about their problem, don't laugh as it doesn't mean that they are complaining..It means that they are trusting you..So keep their trust forever as it can't be brought back...”


19 JUL 2020 AT 11:51

In a world where the great technologies enable us to record, replay, cut /coply & paste, zoom in, and delete,.. Listening is the crucial commitment to keep the heart touchable.
The biggest communication problem is we do listen, not with aim to understand but with intent to reply.
Trust me,.. Be a good listener, your ear will never get you in trouble.
Morever,in surplus,when problem is yet not considered, when the voice of doubt start whispering, turn up the volume of faith and listen to your heart.


19 JUN 2020 AT 21:30

सब कुछ छोड़
बस खुद पर एतबार करो
...जिंदगी मुकम्मल खुद ब खुद हो जाएगी...


24 FEB 2020 AT 16:25

अंधेरों को चीर कर
उजाले तक पहुँचा हूँ
समंदर को पार कर
किनारे तक पहुंचा हूँ
हवाओं का रुख मोड़
फ़िज़ाओं से लौटा हूँ
आसमा ने हद्दे दिखाने की
कोशिश की
आज उस आसमान को भी
अपनी उड़ान से अचंभित कर
लौटा हूँ......


8 NOV 2020 AT 23:38

Never change your decisions,
Just because the world points it as wrong.


21 DEC 2019 AT 21:21

Don't be afraid to fall harder,
Believe that after that,
You'll fly higher.


13 NOV 2019 AT 9:24

विशवास से बड़ी चीज कोई नही होती है
वो ही चीज सबको सबके पार लगाती है
विशवास ही तो इस दुनिया का आधार है
भगवान हर दम हमारे विशवास को परखता है


15 JUL 2019 AT 17:41

The root of Depression lies in our unfulfilled desires,
If we trust the creator's plan it will become our faith, making us calm. . .


28 APR 2021 AT 4:25

السلام علیکم و رحمت اللہ وبرکاتہ!
‏‎توکل کے دو مرحلے ہوتے ہیں
ایک وہ جب اِس بات کا یقین ہوتا ہے
کہ جو مانگا ہے وہ مِل جائے گا اور دوسرا وہ جب اِس بات کا یقین ہوتا ہے
کہ جو مانگا ہے وہ نہ بھی مِلا تو اِس میں کوئی نہ کوئی
بہتری ضرور ہوگی _🍁
خوش رھیں خوشیاں بانٹیں۔
صبح بخیر ❤️


14 APR 2019 AT 15:45

The mind and the Heart,
the utmost gift from our creator,
Choice depending on us
Whether to invest it in the materialism
Or to buy assets for where from
We descended
