#echoes quotes

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30 NOV 2018 AT 22:20

We did not know the study of love
and we did not have a language for it either,
but we made it to the sunrise and sunsets
through the tides of laughter
that slowly, stealthily transformed into
things that wept and bled with ease;
You wrote of the rain,
of how it felt on your parched skin
and then it mellowed the lies
you whispered in the dark;
You scribbled emotions, sympathy, apathy,
that you mistook for poetic verbs
and just like that you forgot to hold me,
as we swept tides with our feet
doing away the seaweeds
reciting sonnets of past, embalming love;
You learnt to restrict syllables, cutting away words,
dividing the air between us and
I could not just hold onto your etchings
that you'd draw on the water,
Now I drown myself in the sea of metaphors,
the only way I could survive your silent echoes.


12 APR 2017 AT 15:33

A Love story of
Her Lethal Beauty
His Wise Words,
Echoes through the ages.


13 DEC 2017 AT 18:43

Speak and I shall be born.
Let go and I shall linger on.
Longer shall I stay,
than what you say!

When nobody else does,
trust me to get back to you.
It's only after you let go,
can you hear me, your echo!


27 APR 2021 AT 14:47




26 FEB 2019 AT 0:40

Behind closed doors
I let the embarrassed echoes
Embark its imprints on my soul.


10 OCT 2018 AT 11:44

'Twas not in the way,
You finally said it,
That gave you, fully away;
I didn't get your words;
But I felt the ripples
In the wind.


31 AUG 2020 AT 0:12

The echo that persisted between you and me,
a deafening picture was made of loud voices,
tied to the sound of deserted nights,
make my fortune adorned with desires,
the love was seen in your wishes,
punishment and death are scattered in your hands as I m the prisoner of your soul lifetime.

- Pooja Gautam


8 APR 2018 AT 19:54

Is the silence
I seek
the trojan horse
in my life?

Am I actually
being controlled
by these echoes
that just don't
fade away?


12 APR 2020 AT 11:58

Some are
so empty
from within
that even their
silence echoes.


30 NOV 2019 AT 12:00

Echoes of giggle from a deserted arcade,
Remind me of the joy from a festive decade.
All those sweet memories, ghosting over that place,
Are waiting for me to tune in and listen at the right pace.

Echoes of the songs sung by my dearest comrade,
Remind me of the trust that it has made,
If it stays with me till the last breath,
Will surely endure all pain for 'self', with the utmost faith.

Echoes of drizzle from a falling cascade,
Remind me of the tale it saw, during its long wade,
The final versions of transcripts are hard to relate,
As the story threads are intertwined in messed up state.

Echoes of the vibrations in the nature's strings by universal serenade,
Remind me of the hope with the wavefronts that fade,
This attenuation is mainly because of lost belief,
So, I intend not to lose it all, just to breathe a sigh of relief.
