#confrontation quotes

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14 DEC 2021 AT 9:29


Episode 2


बड़ी अलहदा अदाएँ रखते हैं,
देखते भी हैं तो नजरें झुकाएँ रखते हैं...

हमें इल्म रहती है उनके इरादों की,
वस्ल की तवक्को में हम भी पलकें बिछायें रखते हैं...

आहटे भी उनकी घंटियों सी बज उठती है,
हर पल कोई धुन आबसारों सी बहती है...

काने भी अपनी चोकसी बढ़ाये रखते हैं,
आँखें भी महफिल सजाये रखते हैं...

संजीदगी फरा़ग दे जाती है उनकी,
मेरे हर दर्द का वो जब से हिसाब रखते हैं...


10 NOV 2017 AT 16:46

Forgive me as I two-time you
As my faith shifts back to Him.
Him, in the faith that you don't keep.
'Cos I'm troubled with your silence.
Overwhelmed, I thank my luck
that I can write and vent it out.

Yet, smothered I remain.
Claustrophobic, of my own words
that cannot confine my anxiety.
I pray and plead within myself
If the time has to come
when you tear me apart,
May these moments lay still.
I do not want to reach
that moment of confrontation.


18 MAR 2019 AT 20:04

I am an artist. I have nothing to hide.

And I have the audacity to challenge and confront the bullshit that people are throwing at other people.


2 NOV 2020 AT 18:26

Confrontations make me anxious. Be it with a friend, a stranger or a date. For I find it scary to put my vulnerable self in front of someone who barely understands why I've become the person I am. Meanwhile, every moment keeps my heart pounding.


6 SEP 2017 AT 0:24

"They had begun to realize that the walls, that came in multiples of four, had made them more confrontational, despite their best efforts to soften the interiors."


16 NOV 2021 AT 19:56


Thinking about life:
Does it give me sorrow or a smile?
Moving to my destiny:
Does it mean the goal or just the beginning of a trial?
Meeting with these people:
Does it give me pleasure or confront for a while?
Being on my way:
Does it mean the journey to my dream or just walking a mile?


23 SEP 2019 AT 22:05


2 years passed by, and here I see you again.
The feelings are still the same, lots of pain and no gain.
Being sorry for what you've done will not change what I've gone through.
For, I can forgive but never forget you!


28 DEC 2020 AT 15:29

Actions harming others is an aggression.
Reactions causing jitters is commotion.
Life's to be soft, in slow motion.
Life shouldn't be a confrontation.


23 OCT 2020 AT 12:05

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