#attachments quotes

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4 JUN 2020 AT 20:43

❤💔My smiles are directly proportional to my tears❤💔
😊♥💞 ....................💞♥ 😢


11 SEP 2018 AT 7:37

Attachments are not good for a healthy life .

Let them free for the PDF files only .


16 AUG 2017 AT 12:55

Ocean of ineffable scenic

(in caption)


27 JUL 2017 AT 11:22



8 JUL 2017 AT 12:57

against, her native
part of mind is
against hating him
for she is absent from
her own poetry to make
him her soulful verses.
she knowingly love words
of him but unknowingly
love him & rising
herself from love
to loving subtlety.


28 JUN 2017 AT 12:30

he teased few petals
of that peachy rose
smiled little to melt her vision
elated her innocence little
slightly plucked her beauty
owned her fragrances
but couldn't touch her soul


30 JUL 2017 AT 2:13

अपने लक्ष्य को लेकर कुछ इस तरह
से व्याकुल होना शुरू कर दीजिए
जैसे कोई बारिश की सामुहिक बूंदे
छत पर टपकने के लिए बेताब हो
और इस बेताबी का लक्षण बादलों
के घर्षण से साफ सुनाई दे रही हो,
बादलों की भांति अपने विचारों
को एक दूसरे के साथ लड़ने
दिजीये , उनको जो खेल
पसंद आए वो खेलने हेतु
अनुमति दिजीये और
आप आंकलन करते जाइये
उनके उथल पुथलों का
ताकि एक सही निष्कर्ष
आपके हाथ लगे और
आप उत्कर्ष निर्णय
सहजतापूर्वक ले सकें ।


30 JUL 2017 AT 12:16

Either love me
or let me love
i will love my
for my hatred
is not for you
but it is both
a rage & ego
filled with
love for myself
to teach my
not to love
you anymore.


12 JUL 2019 AT 22:37

ख़ौफ़ था उसको या पँखों में घाव हो गया था
शायद पँछी को पिंजरे से 'लगाव' हो गया था


8 JUL 2017 AT 10:29

i removed 'yes'
from your false
i was having
nightly coated
days before doing
so. after hurting
your will with-out
pain, you were
gone from 'you'
and i occupied in
your being.
