#apm100poemschallenge quotes

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4 JAN 2018 AT 23:06

🐬 is on the ceiling
or perhaps it's the logo
of a future company.
The faint light from the left
sifting through the openings
around the door,
acting like reasons that
people pretend for.

Why else would the shadow
of a fan expressed in the light
feel like a fighter ✈️,
or a logo,
or a 🐬


6 FEB 2018 AT 1:39

The world has ended...!
Was the message on the screen..
couldn't believe his eyes,
His face was all green!

Stage by stage
He had lost his game
He couldn't bear to live,
In so much shame...

So he picked up his knife
Out came the blood gushing...
Blue whale admin laughed
His webcam was blinking..
