#_yb quotes

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27 FEB 2018 AT 5:05

At 3am
Diving from the elevation of the brain
Into the depth of heart!
Subconscious mind explores the
Hidden wishes
Pearl of hope
Unmasked self
Silenced Justice
Dumbed musings
When the drowned treasures
Peeps out to acquaintance the true self!
Its 9am
Treasures sunken again!
Wearing the same mask!!


17 SEP 2017 AT 13:08

In the race of heart and mind,
I lost my best friend and my love too.


14 SEP 2017 AT 3:21

"First kiss or First touch?"

"The first hello!"


23 FEB 2018 AT 11:46

Never behave more Elastic
Eventually people make you as Sarcastic
If you like to stand on the level of Drastic
Then design your goals as Fantastic!!


14 SEP 2017 AT 3:16

Let me not
promise you
a forever,
but every
breadth I'd
ever live.


15 SEP 2017 AT 11:24

Don't preach religion, preach humanity.
Never put faith in the wrong hands of some fake person. Instead support those, who really deserve it.
In this way you will find both God as well as happiness.


18 SEP 2017 AT 19:14

This year I am learning news things

To get new step to my career


17 SEP 2017 AT 12:49

Happiness knocked at my door and said " please share me as I need to multiply".


23 FEB 2018 AT 10:21

Being 'elastic' in love
Is susceptible to


19 SEP 2017 AT 21:40

मैं पूछना चाहती हु इस ज़माने से
की क्यों मुझे हर बार परखा जाता है?
जीस आँगन में पली बड़ी
क्यों मुझे वो पराया करार देते है?
कयूं मैं वो रिश्ते नहीं निभा सकती
जिनके सहारे मैंने अपना बचपन सँजोया है,
वो दोस्त वो किलकारियां,
वो गुस्ताखियां, वो नादानियाँ
वो सबकुछ पीछे छोड़ना होता है!!
अगर जिंदगी को इस तरह बदलना था,
तो ये सवाल है मेरा उस खुदा से
की तूने क्यों हम लड़कियों को
झूठा बचपन दिखलाया है??
