19 NOV 2017 AT 12:40

Weeping Light

Looking through broken windows to an empty night,
starless skies with a matte moon void of light.
A motionless river, going in circles,
and flying creatures; quiet.
No where in sight.

Wilted flowers that do no fall,
Haunted trees that loom in the darkness, watching closely.
Awaiting for the night of my downfall.

The world knows no mercy.
The longer I stand, the smaller it becomes.
Trapped in a shrinking bubble;
breathing in the same pain, again and again.
Messages from the oracles disintegrate, and cascade from the clouds.
Burying what's left of the earth I walk on
with mounds of ash.
Suffocating the weeping light,
and me with it.

- Zizzy M.