18 JUL 2017 AT 10:56

Invincible Noise

I try to shield my senses from the chaos around me, hoping to secure even a second of solace from this world covered with decaying roses and false smiles. But it is no use, for there is an advancing destruction inside me, that spreads from the foundations of my soul to the very essence of my existance. I feel it creeping, surrounding my fragile bones, twisting them until they are nothing but dust that my demons puff away like matured dandelions.

And how can I forget about the noise?
The noise.. it's always there, like rusted nails scratching pieces of metal in my mind.. But on good days, it's more like the continuous sound of a butterfly who's wings tap the inside of a glass jar, trapped. It fills my head.. as if every cell in my body screams for the pain to stop.
But I, how can one respond to a cry for help when they don't see the threat?
When they can't feel the threat?

My ability to feel has long been stolen, and in it's place is an echoing void with nothing but the overflowing smell of death. I'm forever confined inside these walls that are slowly closing in on me.

- Zizzy M.