Zuberiya Kauser   (Kauser!!!!!!)
41 Followers 0 Following

Give respect and take respect....
Joined 11 August 2020

Give respect and take respect....
Joined 11 August 2020
28 APR AT 1:39

Anuvanuvu Alalegase
Teliyani O Anandhame
Kanuledhate Nilichenuga
Manasethike Na swapname...


19 APR AT 13:36

Kindly don't dump your secrets in my heart bcoz I don't store thrash hence I spill them...


19 APR AT 13:30

Love me n I will definitely like you in return but I love only those whom I want to love or I fall in love, else neither can u force me to love you nor do I force myself to love you... End of d Story...


27 MAR AT 16:03

I saw how much u enjoyed when i was crying for u n it's then when I realised that u don't deserve those tears, U r not Worth It...
So next time U get bored of ur fu***** life don't dare to bother me...


27 MAR AT 15:45

We only get 2 choices in life to select that's friends n love
Rest of d relationships in life are by birth can't choose there..
So choose ur friends n love very carefully coz these are d relationships which makes memories in ur life..
N memories must always be Beautiful,
Death comes to Humans not memories..
A bad memory can cause death to ur soul every single Day...


21 MAR AT 21:29

When You cry for someone then You truly love them, if they cry for You means they love U too but if they don't care n You still love them then it means You don't love yourself n if U don't love You then why will someone else will Love U.. Nobody was responsible for ur creation hence don't even give someone d power of ur destruction...


21 MAR AT 21:23

You can't be Everybody's favourite...
You won't be somebody's favourite forever...
Your favorite persons too won't be ur favourite forever...
You won't be d same forever...
Nobody n Nothing will stay forever...
Accept ignorance,betrayal,rejections n failures with grace bcoz even that won't be forever...


16 MAR AT 18:17

World curses d mother/father who doesn't takes care of their infants/ children..
We were helpless babies of our parents whom they nurtured n took care for their entire life.. As a youth it's our duty to take care of them in their helpless old age bcoz even if we don't remember our childhood we are heading to our own old age.. n what goes around comes around...


15 MAR AT 17:10

No pain lasts forever...
I strongly agree with it today...
N also that when we genuinely get over things there is zero drama n more silence..
It's d greatest feeling to get over something after awhile coz U know that it's over for You... Alhamdulillah....


15 MAR AT 17:01

When d person who always gave you their time, love,attention,affection,importance,pride n every emotions suddenly stops doing all it for U then it only means that U have took them for granted, ignored,betrayed,hurted,insulted n played with their emotions...
Congratulations coz U lost d only person for whom U were d World n d place in their heart which was exclusively for U n nobody else is now unavailable even for U..


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