Yvonne Koleade  
70 Followers · 17 Following

I love everything creative ❤❤❤
Joined 20 March 2020

I love everything creative ❤❤❤
Joined 20 March 2020
1 JUL 2020 AT 3:05

the troubles I have faced in life
You would stop judging me
and leave me the heck alone!


5 JUN 2020 AT 7:23

Be more adaptive in life regardless of what life throws your way

Be flexible


5 JUN 2020 AT 6:24

Learn to say "NO"sometimes

It may be difficult
But when you say it for the right reasons
You'll find that its liberating


5 JUN 2020 AT 4:46

Always remember
You were made in the image
of an intelligent Creator
Greatness is in you


5 JUN 2020 AT 4:33

They say you'll never surmount
to anything great in life

Don't believe the lies

This can only be true if you believe

Remember your beliefs form your

Whose report would you believe
Yours or theirs


5 JUN 2020 AT 4:01

Most times when you feel like giving up
that's when your breakthrough comes

So no matter how you feel
stay motivated and keep the faith


4 JUN 2020 AT 4:24

Don't worry too much about your critics
It is expedient you have them in your life

They make you look inwards to bring out the best version of you


31 MAY 2020 AT 17:14

sometimes for there to be peace
there has to be war

That's how this world is unfortunately


12 MAY 2020 AT 4:23

Is love
Its the food for the soul
Its not toxic
Its pure and refreshing
It satisfies both physical and spiritual hunger
Its a best selling dish anytime


12 MAY 2020 AT 4:10

The journey may be far
The road may be tough
But still press on
Never quit


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